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Photo by Regis Lansac

Ken Unsworth in collaboration with Australian Dance Artists presents, DEPARTURES, with the original music of Jonathan Cooper, at 137 Belmont St. Alexandria. October 1-4, October 14-17.

DEPARTURES, at the workshop of the Australian sculptor, Ken Unsworth, is the fourth association/collaboration by that artist, and the Australian Dance Artists: Susan Barling, Anca Frankenhaeuser, Patrick Harding-Irmer and Ross Philip.

Conceived by Mr Unsworth, some large sculptural pieces, conceived for the dancers to utilise and invent about and upon, plus other exquisite hand properties have been ‘manufactured’, for choreographic impact, all supported by an original score by Jonathan Cooper played by Members of the Australian Piano Quartet: Rebecca Chan (violin), Glenn Christensen (Violin Oct 15, 16, 17), James Wannan (viola), Thomas Rann (cello) with Benjamin Kopp (piano), Genevieve Lang (harp) and Katherine Lukey (violin), with two singers: Clive Birch and Rioghnach Wegrecka.

Presented in gently compacted interludes, with scene changes/spaces between, the dance duet of Mr Harding-Irmer and, especially, Ms Frankenhaeuser, is one of the many highlights of the program. Too, the song duet between Ms Wegrecka and Mr Birch, which includes a surprising physical-balance feat by Mr Birch, is memorable.

Sitting in this magically made performance space, one, once again is transported to a place of wonder. Knowing that this rare and unique collaboration is happening today, in front of one, gives the impression of receiving a rare, opportunity, gift from these artists and strikes with a sense of the private salon one has read of in ‘period’ novels or from memories of some of the films of Luchino Visconti: THE LEOPARD (1963), L’INNOCENTE (1976). A privilege.

You know it is worth catching, if you have been before and, it is definitely not to miss, if you have never had the privilege. Rare and beautiful.

Other works (check out my blog):

SOIREE SFORZA – July, 2013.