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Journey’s End

    Cross Pollinate Productions in association with Norton Crumlin and Associates, present, JOURNEY’S END, by R.C. Sheriff, at the ATYP Studio, Wharf 4, Hickson Road, Walsh Bay, 15 – 22 October. Last year the Sydney Theatre and Music companies gave respect to the Centenary of the tragic events of Gallipoli Cove, during World War I, that has become the ANZAC tradition, with Commemorative performances. That terrible war began in August, 1914 and continued through to November, 1918. So, it is more than fitting that in 2016, we should be reminded that those commemorations of last year are just as…

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Bitch Boxer

  Bullant productions presents, BITCH BOXER by Charlotte Josephine, at the Old 505 Theatre, Hibernian House, 342 Elizabeth St, Central Railway. 26 May – 31 May. BITCH BOXER, is an award winning monologue from a young British playwright, Charlotte Josephine, written in 2012. Katherine Shearer after having seen it performed in the Adelaide Fringe, snaffled the performing rights and has found a creative team to support her ambition to present it in Sydney, at the Old 505 Theatre. Like many a young artist in Sydney (check out, THIS BOY’S IN LOVE blog), Ms Shearer is showcasing her own talents, using her…

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A Town Named War Boy

Photo by Tracey Schramm ATYP (Australian Theatre for Young People) and the State Library of New South Wales present, A TOWN NAMED WAR BOY, by Ross Mueller, in the auditorium at the State Library, Macquarie Street, 29 April – 9 May. A TOWN NAMED WAR BOY, is a new Australian play by Ross Mueller. Inspired by diaries of young World War 1 veterans, kept in the State Library of New South Wales’ collection, Mr Mueller has crafted a play inventing a counselling session between an ex-soldier and a psychiatrist, to facilitate a travel back to the events of recruitment, training…

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Lord of the Flies

  New Theatre presents LORD OF THE FLIES, adapted by Nigel Williams from the novel by William Golding. LORD OF THE FLIES by William Golding, a Nobel prize Winner for Literature, was written in 1954, and has become one of the most studied and popular novels ever written. It is still part of the school syllabus. The work has been made into film, notably by Peter Brook in 1963 and by Harry Hook in 1990. This play adaptation was completed under commission from the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1995 by Nigel Williams, he himself a novelist and playwright. This version…

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