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Arvo Pärt: A Sacred Journey

  Sydney Opera House presents 3: The Composers. ARVO PART: A Sacred Journey in the Concert Hall. Last year in early May, I attended The Composers program, STEVE REICH in Residence. A Celebration, curated by Yarmila Alfonzetti for the Sydney Opera House in the Concert Hall and had a very exciting and bliss filled experience. So, The Composers 3: ARVO PART, A Sacred Journey, raised some high expectations, as well, for a similar time. And, although the composer, unlike last year when Mr Reich was present and in charge, Mr Part was instead, represented by Tonu Kaljuste and The Estonian…

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ACO Tour Two: The Hilliard Ensemble

  Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) present Tour Two: The Hilliard Ensemble at the Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House. The Australian Chamber Orchestra in the chimerical secular cathedral of the Concert Hall presented The Hilliard Ensemble in an astute and educative curation of music. The religious origins of some of the repertoire of the internationally esteemed guests, Sheryngham’s “Ah, Gentle Jesu” (Ca. 1500) were highlighted alongside especially commissioned work by Hilliard from a Russian composer, Alexander Raskatov, “Obikhod” (2002 -2003), referencing the traditional liturgical chant books of the Russian Orthodox Church for string orchestra and voices (with a struck bell effect)…

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TrioZ – Tour 3: Pathos and Pleasure

  Selby and Friends present TRIOZ – Ensemble in Residence: City Recital Hall Angel Place Sydney. Tour Three PATHOS AND PLEASURE. I attended my first concert by the TRIOZE Ensemble. It is made up of Kathy Selby, Piano; Niki Vasilakis, Violin; Emma-Jane Murphy, Cello. As I have mentioned before I merely diarise my experience as this is not my field of expertise. I went to the concert because of the programming, Arvo Part and Kats-Chernin being points of fascination and admiration for me. On the night I attended the order of the material began with Australian composer Elena Kats-Chernin’s piece;…

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