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  Performance Space and Liveworks Festival presents World Premiere, CARRION – Justin Shoulder, in Bay 20, Carriageworks, Wilson St, Redfern. 25 – 28 October, 2017. Performance Space and LIveworks Festival present, CARRION, in a new Performance Art piece created by Justin Shoulder. From the program notes: Justin Shoulder is an artist working in performance, sculpture, video and nightlife/community events production. His main body of work the “Fantastic Creatures” are invented alter-personas based on queered ancestral mythologies. These creatures are embodied through hand crafted costumes and prostheses and animated by their own gestural languages. Shoulder uses his body and craft to…

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Richard 3

  Bell Shakespeare present, RICHARD 3, by William Shakespeare, in the Playhouse Theatre, at the Sydney Opera House. 25 February – 1st April. RICHARD III is a play written by William Shakespeare c. 1592, early in his career. The Bell Shakespeare present at the Sydney Opera House RICHARD 3,  a dramaturgical collaboration between Director, Peter Evans and actor Kate Mulvany using the Shakespeare original. The play has been hand-crafted with this actor and company in mind, it seems. This is their third collaboration, JULIUS CAESAR and MACBETH, being the previous two. Kate Mulvany is also playing this Richard 3, and…

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Keep Everything

Photography by Jeff Busby Performance Space and Mobile States present Chunky Move’s KEEP EVERYTHING at Carriageworks, Redfern, Sydney. 13 August – 16 August. Chunky Move is a Melbourne based contemporary dance company lead by Anouk van Dijk. KEEP EVERYTHING was part of the 2013 Next Move commission, and is a new work by Director and Choreographer, Antony Hamilton. The program notes tells us that: this work has been developed intuitively with little editing and the result is a stream of consciousness style of dance which shows that, sometimes, it’s important to keep everything. Or, arguably, not. Three dancers, Benjamin Hancock,…

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2 One Another

  Sydney Dance Company presents 2 ONE ANOTHER at the Sydney Theatre at Walsh Bay. 2 ONE ANOTHER is a new work, choreographed by Rafael Bonachela, for the Sydney Dance Company. This work has all the hallmarks of Mr Bonachela’s first major work for this company, 360 Degrees, which was presented in the massive space at Carriageworks. The major difference is the visual scale. 2 ONE ANOTHER is pitched in a more intimate, human scale. The subject explored is that of relationships. The exploration is that of the solo, duo, trio, quartet and so on to the ensemble. In the…

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Performance Space present ROADKILL by Splintergroup at CarriageWorks. When you enter the Space in a surround of black clad walls sits a red car just stage left (audience perspective) of centre. Up stage right is a telephone box. Used tyres and tree branches are heaped up in downstage right corner. The lights dim, we hear the beginning of morning birds waking and occasionally twerping. The inside of the vehicle lights up and we see a man and a woman inside. The woman sleeping. What follows is a detailed enactment by the man in attempting to start the car, it responds…

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