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Photo by Amanda James National Theatre of Parramatta presents, STOLEN, by Jane Harrison, in the Lennox Theatre, Riverside Theatres, Parramatta, 2 June – 17 June. STOLEN, by Jane Harrison, had its original premiere some 18 years ago in 1998. I had not seen (or read) the play before. It is the story of five ‘victims’ of the Stolen generation. It’s potency is undeniable and is shaming. Memories from the RABBIT PROOF FENCE, the 2002 film by Philip Noyce, kept returning to me during this performance. The play and its original setting has been re-thought by the Director, Vicki Van Hout…

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  NAISDA: The National Aboriginal Islander Skills Development Association presents The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance College with KAMU, in Bay 20, Carriageworks, Redfern. 25-28 November. The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance College presented a program of dance works with and from the cohort of students working in Certificate II, III, and  IV. After Welcome to Country, the first half of the program demonstrated the training of these students in the rudiments and artistry of contemporary dance under the choreography of Penelope Mullen: EXHALE;  a self devised work, danced and choreographed by Nadia March and Kassidy…

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