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North by North West

  Alfred Hitchcock had decided he needed a change of style and, particularly, after the twisted Freudian themes and motifs of his then disparaged VERTIGO – released in 1958 (it, belatedly has become  regarded as a Hitchcockian Masterpiece) – he began a treatment of THE WRECK OF THE MARY DEARE, based on a novel by Hammond Innes with screenwriter Ernest Lehman. It didn’t work out. They quit on it. Being under contract they had to produce something for M.G.M. , so the Cold War suspense thriller, romantic-comedy, NORTH BY NORTHWEST, gradually crystallised. It seems that Hitchcock had collected in his…

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The Sneeze

  PARADE THEATRES, THEATRE FORWARD and NIDA present THE SNEEZE from Michael Frayn after Chekhov in the Parade Studio at NIDA. This production arises from THEATRE FORWARD ALLIANCE, which is made up of the 2008 graduates of the NIDA Directing course, and supported by the NIDA SPRINGBOARD INITIATIVE. THE SNEEZE is a collection from Chekhov’s Short Play output, adapted by Michael Frayn. 5 directors have chosen a work each (there are other works in this compendium): THE EVILS OF TOBACCO (David Harmon); THE PROPOSAL (Morgan Dowsett); THE SNEEZE (Kate Revz); SWAN SONG (Imara Savage); THE BEAR (Sarah Giles) They have…

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As Bees In Honey Drown

  Darlinghurst Theatre Company & Blue-in De Face Productions Present AS BEES IN HONEY DROWN by Douglas Carter Beane, at the Darlinghurst Theatre. The first act of this American play introduces us to Evan Wyler who has just had his first novel published and in one of the trendy magazines has had a commercially salacious photographic portrait, and presumably article, declaring him the latest “HOT” writer to watch: for a possible dazzling future!! We next meet an audaciously named whirlwind of a promoter, Alexa Vere de Vere, who commissions Evan to write a “treatment” of her life for the Hollywood…

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