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  Rock Surfers Theatre Company present, ANIMAL/PEOPLE, in the Bondi Pavilion, Bondi Beach. 29 April – 16 May. ANIMAL /PEOPLE, is a new play by Brooke Robinson. It is made up of two ‘short-story’ monologues addressed to the audience, that finally, interact at its end. The subject matter of the material is not necessarily of a very interesting nature and, though, explored with some detail, lacks any aesthetic arrest: husband/wife/son/dog/accident/ extended feelings of guilt … … On the night I attended there were only 11 of us, watching. The two actors, Georgia Adamson and Martin Crewes, were valiant in their…

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The Way Things Work

  Rock Surfers Theatre Company presents THE WAY THINGS WORK by Aiden Fennessy, at the Bondi Pavilion, Bondi Beach. 5 Nov – 29 Nov. THE WAY THINGS WORK, is a new Australian play, by Aiden Fennessy. Mr Fennessy in his program notes says : The genesis of the idea came from the proliferation of corruption allegations and their various outcomes not only through every tier of government but from the private sector, the fourth estate, and other major cultural bodies, top to bottom. It’s the ever widening gap between ‘plausible deniability’ and what you could term ‘command responsibility’ Two actors,…

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Empire: Terror on the High Seas

Rock Surfers Theatre Company presents EMPIRE: TERROR ON THE HIGH SEAS. A Spectacle by Toby Schmitz at the Bondi Pavilion Theatre, Bondi Beach. At the curtain call at the end of the performance, of EMPIRE: TERROR ON THE HIGH SEAS – A Spectacle by Toby Schmitz, spread across the entire width of that notoriously difficult Bondi Pavilion stage (a Cinerama width of a stage), and spilling off into the auditorium, even – over 20 actors took many bows – it was an opening night. The sheer scale of that vision of human effort and commitment, elicited from me, a deep,…

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Robot vs Art

Rock Surfers present ROBOTS VS ART by Travis Cotton, at the Bondi Pavilion Theatre, Bondi Beach. Apparently, Travis Cotton got the idea for this play, ROBOT VS ART from a picture of two robots performing the first ever robot actor play. It occurred in Japan, in 2009. I don’t think Mr Cotton ever saw the play, just the picture. One of Stephen Fry’s top 100 inventions was that endearing little Japanese robot dog – I saw it, co-incidentally, the night before this play, on television. It was cute, but, not very sophisticated. There had also been a news item concerning…

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Lenny Bruce: 13 Daze Un-Dug in Sydney 1962

  Tamarama Rock Surfers Theatre Company in association with Sydney Comedy Festival presents LENNY BRUCE: 13 DAZE UN-DUG IN SYDNEY 1962 by Benito Di Fonzo at the Bondi Pavilion, Bondi Beach. I was 14 when I read, nightly, about the ‘depravities’ of Lenny Bruce in the Daily Mirror (The Sun was the other nightly newspaper, but, by far the less sensational, and so, much less interesting and memorable – it does indicate my own Catholic/catholic attraction to sin, doesn’t it? ). I was 16, when similarly, I read, avidly, in the Daily Mirror, on the front pages, about the shocking…

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I Want To Sleep With Tom Stoppard

  Tamarama Rock Surfers Theatre Company present I WANT TO SLEEP WITH TOM STOPPARD – a new play by Toby Schmitz at the Bondi pavilion, at Bondi Beach. I WANT TO SLEEP WITH TOM STOPPARD is the latest play by Toby Schmitz – yes, that actor we read about in both the two major papers two weekends ago, who is about to impersonate Elyot Chase in Noel Coward’s super erudite comic masterpiece PRIVATE LIVES for our delectation and, I hope, delicious appreciation. Mr Schmitz has also being writing for many, many years now, and he is pretty good at it.…

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