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Accidental Death Of An Anarchist

Sydney Theatre Company and Adshell present, an Australian Adaptation by Francis Greenslade and Sarah Giles, of ACCIDENTAL DEATH OF AN ANARCHIST by Dario Fo, in the Drama Theatre, at the Sydney Opera House. September 10 – October 27. ACCIDENTAL DEATH OF AN ANARCHIST, is a play written by Italian Writer, Actor, Dario Fo, in 1970, in response to the death of Giuseppe Pinelli, following his arrest under suspicion of being responsible, as a terrorist, for a bomb explosion at a busy bank in Piazza Fontana, at the centre of Milan, in which sixteen people were killed and around ninety were…

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DINNER, is a British play, written in 2002, by Moira Buffini. In the original and published text, which is different to what we see in this production, produced by the Sydney Theatre Company (STC), Paige (Caroline Brazier), a famous gourmet hostess, invites a group of middle class intellectuals (not aristocrats, as suggested in the program) to a, supposedly, celebratory dinner, for the successful publication of her husband’s, Lars (Sean O’Shea), philosophic how-to-live a happy life tome BEYOND BELIEF. Wynne (Rebecca Massey), a not famous painter, arrives without her husband Bob, a politician, who has just run off with one of…

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The Literati

  Griffin Theatre Company and Bell Shakespeare present THE LITERATI, by Justin Fleming after Moliere’s LES FEMMES SAVANTES, at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross, 27 May- 16 July. THE LITERATI, is an adaptation by Australian writer Justin Fleming, of Moliere’s LES FEMMES SAVANTES, presented in a co-production by Bell Shakespeare – a company dedicated to texts of classic heritage – and the Griffin Theatre Company – Sydney’s company dedicated to present new Australian work. Moliere was the stage name of Jean Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), an actor, and the author of a series of comedies that has some regard him…

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The Removalists

  Rock Surfers Theatre Company presents David Williamson’s THE REMOVALISTS at the Bondi Pavilion Theatre at Bondi Beach. THE REMOVALISTS is a play by David Williamson written in 1971. This was one of the very first big blasts of the, then new, experience of seeing contemporary Australians on stage. It was a startling window into the sexist, violent and corrupt societal milieu of the times. Watching this production by Leland Kean for the Rock Surfers Theatre Company (previously known as the Tamarama Rock Surfers) at the Bondi Pavilion one wondered, I mean WONDERED, 42 years after the original production I…

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I Want To Sleep With Tom Stoppard

  Tamarama Rock Surfers Theatre Company present I WANT TO SLEEP WITH TOM STOPPARD – a new play by Toby Schmitz at the Bondi pavilion, at Bondi Beach. I WANT TO SLEEP WITH TOM STOPPARD is the latest play by Toby Schmitz – yes, that actor we read about in both the two major papers two weekends ago, who is about to impersonate Elyot Chase in Noel Coward’s super erudite comic masterpiece PRIVATE LIVES for our delectation and, I hope, delicious appreciation. Mr Schmitz has also being writing for many, many years now, and he is pretty good at it.…

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A WHITE BOX THEATRE Production in association with B Sharp present BANG by Jonathan Gavin at the Downstairs Theatre. BANG by Jonathan Gavin is a really good night at the theatre. A new Australian play. The first act of this play presents a collection of characters and spins a ‘web’ of connection for them all, to a fate at a railway station platform, where just before the interval break, there is a BANG, which is a suicide terrorist bomb explosion. The second act continues the unravelling connection of these characters. It is, on the whole, a very moving and human…

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