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Home Invasion

an assorted few in association with Old 505 Theatre present, HOME INVASION, by Christopher Bryant, at the Old 505 Theatre, Eliza St. Newtown. 21st March – 7th April. HOME INVASION is an Australian play by Christopher Bryant that premiered at La Mama, Melbourne, in June 2015. It is a very interesting experience to see, within a week or so, an older Australian classic such as THE SHIFTING HEART written 61 years ago and be moved by it and its relevancies, despite its period writerly constructs, and to then sit at a performance of a relatively new Australian play, HOME INVASION, and…

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Photo by Brett Boardman Griffin Theatre Company presents GLORIA by Benedict Andrews, at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. 26 August – 8 October. GLORIA is a play by Benedict Andrews. Says Mr Andrews in his note in the program: ‘”GLORIA depicts an actress in the grip of an emotional breakdown.’  Performing, onstage, Gloria cannot distinguish her ‘play’ role from her ‘life’ role. Through fraility, both become entwined and a personal calamity ensues. This production of GLORIA, by the Griffin Theatre Company, Directed by Lee Lewis, is an incredibly ambitious one, considering the technical demands of the writing by Mr Andrews,…

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