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A Christmas Carol

Lies, Lies And Propaganda, in association with bAKEHOUSE Theatre Co. presents A CHRISTMAS CAROL, Adapted from the Charles Dickens novel by Melissa Lee Speyer, at the Kings Cross Theatre (KXT), Kings Cross Hotel. 14-24 December. This is a version of Charles Dickens’ A CHRISTMAS CAROL that is so opposite the Belvoir delight of a few years ago that a proper regard of the company title that is presenting this new work at the Kings Cross Theatre (KXT): Lies, Lies and Propaganda, ought to be fully digested before considering taking your children. The writer, Melissa Lee Speyer, along with her Director,…

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She Rode Horses Like The Stock Exchange

Photo by Clare Hawley, Asparay Photography Rocket Productions in association with bAKEHOUSE presents SHE RODE HORSES LIKE THE STOCK EXCHANGE, by Amelia Roper, at the Kings Cross Theatre (KXT), in the Kings Cross Hotel. 20 October – 11 November. SHE RODE HORSES LIKE THE STOCK EXCHANGE, written in 2014, is by an Australian playwright, Amelia Roper, who has been working and living in Los Angeles for some time. Two couples: Amy (Matilda Ridgeway) and Henry (Tom Anson Mesker), Max (Dorje Swallow) and Sara (Nikki Britton), friends because of business contacts – Amy and Max having worked as rivalling investment bankers together…

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The Nether

Photo by Ross Waldron Catnip Productions and Seymour Centre present the Australian Premiere of THE NETHER, by Jennifer Haley, in the Reginald Theatre, the Seymour Centre, Chippendale. 13th September – 7th October. THE NETHER is an American play by young playwright, Jennifer Haley. It premiered in 2013. THE NETHER is set in the not too distant future: ‘Soon’, says the author. The nether is a development of the Internet – a virtual reality realm. The Nether realm is 1. Another world for mythical creatures 2. Demon World. 3. A dimension of Evil or Imagination The play begins in an interrogation room…

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Lip Service

The Ensemble Theatre presents LIP SERVICE, by John Misto, at the Ensemble Theatre, Kirribilli. 17 August – 30 September. Photo by Prudence Upton LIP SERVICE, is a new Australian play, that premiered in a separate production in London, earlier this year, with the title: MADAME RUBINSTEIN with the indomitable Miriam Margolyes, as Rubinstein and Frances Barber, as Elizabeth Arden. In Kirribilli, at the Ensemble we have Amanda Muggelton playing Madame Rubinstein, and it is a performance that I loved a lot. A performance of comic skill and emotional truth, when required, bringing to bear a technical bravura from an actor…

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Photo by Rupert Reid Outhouse Theatre Co presents, BU21, by Stuart Slade, at the Old 505, Eliza St. Newtown, 9 February – 25 February. BU21 is a play by British writer, Stuart Slade, first produced in March, 2016, in Bristol and then in London, in February, 2017. It concerns the downing, the shooting down of a plane, BU21, by a rocket missile, over the suburbs of London – into posh Fulham. We meet six survivors of this act of terrorism who appear on stage and welcome us and directly contact us – no fourth wall here – talking eye-to-eye to…

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A Life In The Theatre

Photography by Helen White Darlinghurst Theatre Company present, A LIFE IN THE THEATRE, by David Mamet, at the Eternity Theatre, Burton St, Darlinghurst, 4 Nov-4 Dec. A LIFE IN THE THEATRE, by David Mamet, is an early play, 1977 and, considerably, out of the usual area and style of his more well known genre – of the ‘Mamet-speak’ with macho, foulmouthed men squabbling over the way to make money, epitomised in his famous Pulitzer Prize winning, GLENGARRY GLENN ROSS, of 1984, his Chicago real estate play. A LIFE IN THE THEATRE was written as a paean to his short-lived days…

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