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Drake The Amazing and La Dispute

  Michaela Kalowski and Owl Farm in partnership with Darlinghurst Theatre Company Present DRAKE THE AMAZING and LA DISPUTE at the Darlinghurst Theatre(Supported by Arts Radar). The program and publicity informs us that DRAKE THE AMAZING and LA DISPUTE by Andy Hyman are two plays: a double-bill. “Two sharp comedies exploring love, lust and transformation.” What we have, experientially, are 12 actors giving very good and enlivened performances directed very well, with a sense of meticulous detail by the director John Kachoyan. What we don’t have are two very interesting plays. LA DISPUTE , which I recognised as an adaptation…

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The Coming World

  Two Birds One Stone in partnership with Darlinghurst Theatre Company presents THE COMING WORLD by Christopher Shinn. THE COMING WORLD is a relatively early play by young American playwright Christopher Shinn. The Darlinghurst Theatre Company have also presented another of his works, DYING CITY  a few years back. His latest play, PICKED  has just had a rapturous response from the press and public in New York this past April/ May. Mr Shinn is a playwright worth getting to know. (OTHER PEOPLE, WHAT DIDN’T HAPPEN and WHERE DO WE LIVE). A young woman, Dora (Cheree Cassidy) finds herself dealing inadequately,…

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The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik: Deep Sea Explorer

  DARLINGHURST THEATRE COMPANY presents A PERTH THEATRE COMPANY AND WEEPING SPOON PRODUCTION – THE ADVENTURES OF ALVIN SPUTNIK: DEEP SEA EXPLORER by Tim Watts at the Darlinghurst Theatre. Tim Watts is the star of this show. He is a star. He is totally, totally winning and his show is totally, totally charming. He is the performer, deviser, director, producer, puppeteer and animator of this show and he pulls all these tasks off totally, totally wonderfully. I can only urge you to go. Using computer graphics and moving images and wonderful puppet creations, funny voices, a reasonably played ukulele and…

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Jane Austin’s Guide to Pornography & Gorgeous Bastard

  Out Cast Theatre in partnership with Darlinghurst Theatre Company presents JANE AUSTEN’S GUIDE TO PORNOGRAPHY & GORGEOUS BASTARD at the Darlinghurst Theatre, Sydney. JANE AUSTEN’S GUIDE TO PORNOGRAPHY & GORGEOUS BASTARD is written, designed and directed by Steve Dawson (Who is in charge, here?) and produced by Adrian Corbett. Mr Dawson has had 44 of his plays produced. His plays have been performed in New York, Chicago, Edinburgh, London and across Australia. Out Cast Theatre, the program claims, is “Australia’s longest running GLBTIQ theatre”. There is advertising for an extensive 2011 season. Write it and they will come! “Out…

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Open For Inspection: The Real Estate Musical!

Lickerty Split & Darlinghurst Theatre Company Present OPEN FOR INSPECTION: The Real Estate MUSICAL! Music and Lyrics by Lucy Egger. Script by Tim Bosanquet. At the Darlinghurst Theatre, Kings Cross. OPEN FOR INSPECTION is a new musical comedy. It is set “in the cut throat world of Sydney real estate, two ruthless, rival agencies (run by, Carl [Drew Fairley] and Joan [Sara Browne]) are battling for buyers during a property slump. They go to extreme lengths to literally make a killing…. It is about a real estate agent who becomes a Serial Killer… set to music”. The Script (book) is…

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tHe dYsFUnCKshOnalZ!

    Flightpath & Radar in partnership with Darlinghurst Theatre Company present The DYSFUNCKSHONALZ by Mike Packer at the Darlinghurst Theatre. “Punk, anarchy and a mid-life crisis – the paradox of ageing rockers who still think they’ve got it. 30 years ago Billy Abortion’s band mates left him bleeding to death in a foreign hotel room …there are some things that are hard to forgive and forget. But when a credit card company (FREEDOM) offers big bucks to get the band back together to record their latest jingle (based around the DYSFUNCKSHONALS chorus from their only hit song PLASTIC PEOPLE!!!),…

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