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Photo by Robert Catto The Kings Collective, presents, WASTED, by Kate Tempest, at the Old Factory, Marrickville. 1 – 9 December. Kate Tempest is a British Poet, Performance Artist, Playwright and Novelist, a dynamic artist (slam-poetry) who has – is – speaking for a generation trying to find the way-to-survive in the modern world through a disillusioned lens. Her passions were ignited as a young woman and flashed into perspective, she has said, when the London March (and others) against the Iraq War, in which millions of people participated, was ignored, and made no difference to the World Governments’ direction…

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The Wonderful World of Dissocia

  The Kings Collective as part of Sydney Fringe Festival, 2015 presents THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISSOCIA, by Anthony Neilson, in the Ambush Project Space, Level 3, Central Park, Broadway, 17 – 30 September. THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISSOCIA, the play by English writer, Anthony Neilson has been seen in Sydney, previously in 2009, given by the Sydney Theatre Company (STC). This is a wonderful play, the First Act taking us on a journey with Lisa Jones, who is in search of one lost hour that has tipped the balance of her life, into the land of Dissocia. The Second…

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This Is Our Youth

  The Kings Collective present “Lepidoptera: An exploration of Youth” as part of Sydney Fringe 2014. THIS IS OUR YOUTH by Kenneth Lonergan, at the Tap Gallery, Darlinghurst. 16-21 September. Lepidoptera: an order of insects comprising the butterflies and moths – which in the adult state have four membranous wings, more or less covered with scales. This new Independent Theatre collective: The Kings Collective have as their core Collectives: David Harrison, Tyler Hawkins, Jai Higgs, Cecelia Peters, Scott Lee, Georgia Scott, and Megan McGlinchey. Mission Statement: We are young. We are tired of being small and being alone. We are…

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