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Monkey. Journey to the West

Photo by Steven Siewert Riverside Theatres presents Kim Carpenter’s Theatre of Image, MONKEY. JOURNEY TO THE WEST, written by Donna Abela, and Composed by Peter Kennard, at the Riverside Theatres, Parramatta, 2 -11 October. Kim Carpenter’s Theatre of Image is presenting his new work, a version of the 16th Century, three-volume, 1500-page novel, MONKEY. JOURNEY TO THE WEST. The original is attributed to Wu Cheng’en (Ming Dynasty). Arthur Waley, in 1942, published a popular abridged translation in English. It has since been translated again, and seen in many, many stage versions – opera, included, and for film and television. My…

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Jump for Jordan

  Photo by Brett Boardman Griffin theatre Company presents the World Premiere of JUMP FOR JORDAN by Donna Abela at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. JUMP FOR JORDAN by Donna Abela is having its World Premiere season for the Griffin Theatre Company. The core of any successful artistic endeavour is, usually, sprung from the life of the artist – all the artists, ultimately, but always with that of the writer, to start with, in the performing arts. Add Imagination and Research and a play on the page evolves. Add the collaboration of Actors, Designers and a Director, and finally…

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A View From Moving Windows

true west theatre presents A VIEW FROM MOVING WINDOWS at the Riverside Theatre, Parramatta In September 2010, I saw on one afternoon, several offerings from some young Australian writers, entitled STORIES FROM THE 428, curated by Augusta Supple. Writers sat on the 428 bus route and wrote short sketches/plays, reflecting an experience of that Circular Quay to Marrickville/Canterbury ride. Actors were found, and Directors rounded up and produced at the Sidetrack theatre. A VIEW FROM MOVING WINDOWS, began for the writers as a train journey from Central Station to Parramatta. Similarly, as in the 428 enterprise, they were commissioned by…

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