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Can You See Me? Theatre present NIGHTBOOK in the Studio at the Sydney Opera House. Can You See Me? Theatre is a company of actors with cerebral palsy working with some able bodied actors under the Artistic Direction of Kylie Harris and Chrissie Koltai. NIGHTBOOK is a physical realisation of the dreamscapes of the participants: Georgia Cooper, David Ellis, Christopher Leonard, Ian Mitchell, Robert Mockler, Virginia Redenbach, Gavin Ryan, Glen Turnbull and Sarah Wood. In parts of NIGHTBOOK, for instance, Sarah yearns for a holiday in Fiji, Glenn rejects his lover, Robbie is in a nightmare and survives to live…

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Soiree Sforza

Ken Unsworth in collaboration with Australian Dance Artists presents SOIReE SFORZA, at the Unsworth Studio, Alexandria, Sydney. ART: the production or expression of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance (Macquarie Dictionary). I observe, even in this world today, there are some people that are ‘cursed’ with a need to make Art. They have been always ‘cursed’, and that ‘curse’ drives them on and on. It seems, relentlessly. For them that ‘curse’ has been a blessing – and they pursue it at all expense, and they would say, no expense too great. SOIReE SFORZA is an evening…

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The Criminals

Photo by Lucy Parakhina The Old 505 Theatre presents THE CRIMINALS by Jose Triana (translated by Adrian Mitchell) at the Old 505 Theatre, Hibernian House, Elizabeth St, Central Railway. THE CRIMINALS (La Noche de los Asesinos -The Night of the Assassins) by Jose Triana, has been translated by Adrian Mitchell. Apparently there are two versions of the play written by Mr Triana, a Cuban writer. The first in 1957 whilst the writer was living in Spain during the time of the Cuban revolution against Fulgencio Batista. The second in 1965 after he had returned to Cuba and was part of the…

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I Have Had Enough

  Sydney Chamber Opera presents, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH. J.S. Bach. Jack Symonds. At the Parade Playhouse, Parade Theatres, Kensington. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH is the third work by this new Sydney Opera Company this year. It has been, then, considering the monumental task of producing opera, a very prolific year. It began with a new work NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND by Jack Symonds and Pierce Wilcox, followed by Leos Janacek’s THE CUNNING LITTLE VIXEN, mid year. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH is the pairing of J.S. Bach’s “Ich habe genung…”(1727) with a reply piece, “Nunc dimitis”, musically different, by Jack Symonds…

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