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Photo by Prudence Upton Ensemble Theatre presents, DIPLOMACY, by Cyril Gely, translated and adapted from the French, by Julie Rose, at the Ensemble Theatre, Kirribilli. 23 March – 28 April. DIPLOMACY, is a French play by Cyril Gely, translated and adapted by Australian Julie Rose. The Ensemble Theatre is giving it an Australian Premiere, Directed by John Bell, assisted by Anna Volska. DIPLOMACY is set in Paris, on the 25th August, 1944, two and half months after the D-Day landings. The Army General and Military Governor of Paris, Dietrich Von Choltitz (John Bell) has given orders following the command of…

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Sorting Out Rachel

Photo by Heidrun Lohr Ensemble Theatre presents, SORTING OUT RACHEL, by David Williamson, at the Ensemble Theatre, Kirribilli. 19 January – 17 March. SORTING OUT RACHEL, at the Ensemble Theatre, is the latest annual play and production from Australian playwright, David Williamson. We meet Bruce (John Howard), a self-confessed unscrupulous businessman – his latest foray is in the Aged Care sector, where money making rather than actual care is of the highest priority – and finds himself, boastfully, a $60 million dollar man. His wife Molly has recently passed away. The play begins in an outdoor restaurant location where Bruce…

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Taking Steps

Photo by Prudence Upton Ensemble Theatre presents, TAKING STEPS, by Alan Ayckbourn, at the Ensemble Theatre, Kirribilli. 23 November – 13 January. The Alan Ayckbourn play TAKING STEPS, written in 1979, the twenty-fourth opus from his ‘genius’ (now having completed some 79 plays, the last one – so far – called ROUNDELAY, in 2014), is part of a faithful commitment of The Ensemble Theatre to his work and underlines the entertainment value that he inevitably delivers for audiences. There is usually some ‘challenge’ that the writer has given himself, for the audience’s delectation, in all of his plays, and in…

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The Kitchen Sink

Photo by Prudence Upton Ensemble Theatre presents, THE KITCHEN SINK, by Tom Wells, at the Ensemble Theatre, Kirribilli. 14 October – 18 November. THE KITCHEN SINK is a British play by Tom Wells, first shown at the Bush Theatre, London, in late 2011. It is a domestic soap-opera concerning a very ordinary British provincial city family and some of their neighbourhood denizens, all facing life-making turning-points that will initiate necessary change and so the inevitable scary adjustments, be they economic, emotional, social, spiritual, or, all of the former. Changes that will require a leap of faith that will turn out OK.…

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Buyer and Cellar

  Ensemble Theatre presents BUYER AND CELLAR, by Jonathan Tolins, at the Ensemble Theatre, Macdougall St. Kirribilli. 6 October – 12 November. BUYER AND CELLAR is a one man play by American Jonathan Tolins. It was inspired by the book published by Barbra Streisand: MY PASSION FOR DESIGN. Alex More is an out-of-work-actor in Los Angeles who accepts a job in the basement of a famous artist’s home, where there has been a curation of the objects of career and the wide-ranging interests of this star. Alex will take the daily care of them. He discovers that his employer is…

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The Plant

Photo by Prudence Upton Ensemble Theatre presents, THE PLANT, by Kit Brookman, at the Ensemble Theatre, Kirribilli, 8th July – 5 August. THE PLANT, by Kit Brookman, is the winner of the Ensemble Theatre’s 2016 New Writing Commission. Sue (Sandy Gore) and her three children, Erin (Helen Dallimore), Daniel (Garth Holcombe) and Naomi (Briallen Clarke) are packing up the family home after the death of the Husband/Father from, what one of them describe as: ‘in-built obsolescence’. It is essentially a comedy. On a raised green covered platform, backed by a wall of curtain (the Set and Costume Design is by…

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