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The Unspoken Word is ‘Joe’

The Unspoken Word is ‘Joe’ : Trailer 2015 from MKA – Theatre of New Writing on Vimeo. MKA: Theatre of New Writing and Griffin Independent present, THE UNSPOKEN WORD IS ‘JOE’, by Zoey Dawson, at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross, 21 Jan – 7 Feb. Climate Change: True or False. The secrets surrounding our Manus Island Refugees. ICAC and the ‘bottomless’ pits of local and state government corruption. Confidence in the Australian Prime Minister and his Government, plummets. Cuts to Australian pensioners welfare. The pressures to free-market our Australian Universities and Education. Are Corporations really our Governmental law makers?…

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I Know There’s A Lot Of Noise Outside But…

  I’M TRYING TO KISS YOU in association with NIDA Independent presents I KNOW THERE’S A LOT OF NOISE OUTSIDE BUT YOU HAVE TO CLOSE YOUR EYES by Zoey Dawson, Anna McCarthy and Allison Wiltshire in The Parade Studio, at the Parade Theatres, NIDA. I KNOW THERE’S A LOT OF NOISE OUTSIDE BUT YOU HAVE TO CLOSE YOUR EYES written and created by Zoey Dawson and Anna McCarthy, also, the actors, and Allison Wiltshire, the director. They first conceived this work in 2009 and first premiered at the 2011 Melbourne Fringe Festival and have continued to develop this work over…

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No Man’s Island

  Shaman Productions in association with the Tamarama Rock Surfers present NO MAN’S ISLAND by Ross Mueller at the Old Fitzroy Theatre. “Two men, trapped in a prison cell as the world goes mad outside. What is there crime? What will it take to set them free?” So goes the promotional material for this play. NO MAN’S ISLAND is an early play by Ross Mueller. CONCUSSION was seen at the Stables/STC Season earlier this year and the developmental growth of the writer is well demarcated when they are compared. This is a mildly interesting work which has promising glimpses of…

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