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Blood Wedding

  Sydney Theatre Company and Colonial First State Global Asset Management present BLOOD WEDDING by Federico Garcia Lorca, in a new translation by Iain Sinclair at Wharf 1, Sydney Theatre Company. “In 1929, Lorca left Madrid for New york and after an unhappy year he briefly moved to Cuba, before returning to Spain in 1930. His return coincided with the election of a republican government and a new atmosphere of artistic freedom. This gave Lorca’s talents the freedom to develop as never before and led to his appointment as director of La Barraca, an innovative government-sponsored touring  theatre company. During…

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CAGELING presented by THE RABBLE at Carriageworks, Sydney. THE RABBLE re-imagine Federico Garcia Lorca’s classic text ‘THE HOUSE OF BERNARD ALBA’. From the program notes: “A NOTE ON THE CONTEXT. Lorca leaves the following instruction at the beginning of THE HOUSE OF BENRNADA ALBA: The poet advises that these three acts are intended as a photographic documentary. We have taken these instructions and produced CAGELING – an exploration of repression, gender, sexuality and grief. The premise of the original play remains: our family will mourn for eight years, no weeping is allowed…” Further :”A NOTE ON CONTENT. Our process is…

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