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The New Electric Ballroom

  Siren Theatre Co and Griffin Independent present the Sydney Premiere of THE NEW ELECTRIC BALLROOM by Enda Walsh at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. The Irish gift of the ‘gab’ is once more on display in Enda Walsh’s THE NEW ELECTRIC BALLROOM at the Griffin Independent Theatre and Siren Theatre Co’s Sydney premiere presentation of this play. Words, words, words. None of these characters are shy with language. Talk, talk and more talk. It is even remarked upon by the characters in the play!!! In an Irish tradition that harks back to Oscar Wilde, the inimitable Mr George…

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A Day In The Death of Joe Egg

    A Critical Stages and White Box Theatre production of A DAY in the DEATH of JOE EGG by Peter Nichols at the Seymour Centre, Sydney. A DAY in the DEATH of JOE EGG was written by Peter Nichols in 1967. It has twice been made into film, the first with Alan bates and Janet Suzman in 1970 (released in 1972). In the program notes: “A WORD FROM THE WRITER. This is an edited extract from Diaries 1969 – 1977 by Peter Nichols, published by Nick Hern Books. July 17th 1969: ‘Poor Abo (Abigail), our parcel of damaged goods,…

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Richard III

Theatre Trailer by Preview Play Siren Theatre Co and MAKEbeLIVE productions present….. RICHARD III by William Shakespeare. Walking down towards us, his captive audience, both Richard, Duke of Gloucester and Thomas Campbell, one and the same person, comes to a halt in a spotlight, contemplates us and then begins “Now is the winter of our discontent/Made glorious summer by this sun of York…” We listen and watch with anticipatory excitement and foreknowledge (most of us, of this play, this night) and accept the invitation to watch a most sensational story of treachery, and evil personified, unravel for our delight. We…

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Queen C

    Sauna Productions & inc.studios in association with B Sharp present the Australian Premiere of QUEEN C by Laura Ruohonen, translated by David Hackston. At the Belvoir St Downstairs Theatre. “Sauna productions was founded in 2004 by Yvonne Strzechowski and Ona Nurkkala with the aim of bringing Nordic theatre to Australian audiences.” Their partner in this enterprise “inc.studios was established in 2006 by actor/producer Nicole da Silva. inc.studios aims to bring contemporary stories from across the globe to Australian audiences. Its focus is on creating more roles for women both on and off the stage.” These aspirations are honourable…

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