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The Soprano: Australian Brandenburg Orchestra With Samuel Mariño

Life is full of plans with “twists and turns’ unexpectedly pointing one to adventures that can be either a positive or negative event. Recently, two acquaintances were unable to take up their Subscription Tickets to a concert at the Sydney City Recital Hall in Angel Place, and gave them to another friend who, then, been rebuffed by a ‘gentleman caller’ asked if I would like to accompany her instead. Indeed, I could. I had no knowledge of the program I was to attend but really chuffed to meet and greet my friend and hear some music with a live orchestra.…

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Handel’s Messiah – Australian Brandenburg Orchestra

  Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, presents HANDEL’S MESSIAH, in the City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney. March, 2017. Paul Dyer, leader of the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, has invited a young theatre Director, Constantine Costi, to prepare, with him, a performance of George Frederic Handel’s, MESSIAH. In a speedy two hour performance, including interval, this great and famous English Oratorio, has all barefooted – orchestra, chorus, soloists and conductor – perhaps, that the reason for fleet-footed tempo. THE BAREFOOT MESSIAH, in the City Recital Hall. In the program notes we are told that Handel always intended his oratorios as entertainment, to be…

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Christ Church St Laurence present the Lenten Concert 2012: MESSIAH by G.F. Handel at Christ Church St Laurence, Railway Square, Sydney. I once sang in a choir, Handel’s ACIS AND GALATEA. I loved it. My family household was not very ‘art’ conscious at all, but along with L.P. recordings of Mario Lanza (my dad’s favorite) we did have highlights from Handel’s MESSIAH featuring Joan Sutherland. I recently bought for myself a DVD recording of the MESSIAH featuring Cantillation and Teddy Tahu Rhodes from ABC Classics (2002). I had heard a very stimulating discussion on the Handel work on ABC Radio…

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ORLANDO was first performed on 27th January 1733. This is a new production for Opera Australia. It is sung in Italian with surtitles. Several years ago this company presented one of my favourite nights in the theatre when I attended their production of Handel’s GIULIO CESARE. I remember the original season having a vividly sung, conducted and played performance enhanced with consummately witty and dramatic acting with a set and costume design that was functional, witty and beautiful. It was a sublime night in the theatre. It scored high on my Ecstasy chart for performance. I had been wetted in…

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