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Photo by Prudence Upton Ensemble Theatre presents, HONOUR, by Joanna Murray-Smith, at the Ensemble Theatre Kirribilli. 23rd April – 5th June. HONOUR, by Joanna Murray-Smith, is a ‘war-horse’ in the canon of Australian Dramatic Literature, for we have seen several productions of this play over the years since its inaugural production in 1995 at the Playbox in Melbourne. Kate Champion is the Director of this present offering. Ms Murray-Smith in her program notes talks fondly of this play and suggests it may be the best of her work. Certainly, its success in Australia and Internationally might, also, verify that thought.…

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Every Brilliant Thing

EVERY BRILLIANT THING, is a one person play – at Belvoir it is played by Kate Mulvany; on its Riverside season, which follows, it will be played by Steve Rodgers. So a gender fluid role. At the age of seven our actor is told that her/his mother is in hospital. Concerned, she is told by her dad that ‘mum’ has found life difficult to experience. So, in an act of loving support, our little girl begins a list of Every Beautiful Things, for her mum: ‘Ice cream’, is number one on the list. As the play proceeds, the list grows…

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A Taste of Honey

Photo by Brett Boardman Belvoir presents, A TASTE OF HONEY, by Shelagh Delaney, in the Upstairs Belvoir Theatre, Surry Hills. July 21 – August 19. A TASTE OF HONEY, by Shelagh Delaney, an English play, written 60 years ago, in 1958. The first production of this play came under the care and Direction of the iconic Joan Littlewood – a woman leading a new way to present work for the theatre with the gusto of a vigorous iconoclast wanting to enliven, and to breathe in an energy force to the experience of the theatre, as a vital life force of relevance…

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Photo by Amanda James Riversides Theatre presents, National Theatre of Parramatta, with SWALLOW, by Stef Smith, in the Lennox Theatre, Riversides Theatre, Parramatta. 21 – 30 April. SWALLOW, is a work by Scottish writer, Stef Smith. It was presented last year, 2015, at the Edinburgh Festival. It tells of three women: Rebecca (Megan Drury), responding (acting out) in a rage to the desertion by her boy friend to another woman; of Anna (Luisa Hastings Edge), an artist suffering from a breakdown depression who cannot leave her apartment and smashes it in pursuit of creativity; and of Sam (Valerie Berry), in…

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  Belvoir and Force Majeure present FOOD by Steve Rodgers in the Downstairs Theatre at Belvoir St Theatre. FOOD by Steve Rodgers, directed by Steve Rodgers and Kate Champion of Force Majeure, is just that thing, that elusive but striven for experience, that I explained, in my last theatre blog, was the reason why I so persistently attend the theatre, despite often, huge and many consecutive distresses and disappointments. FOOD is a tiny jewel, a gem of an experience. In a company publicity promotion, that I received from Belvoir, today,written by Simon Stone, FOOD is described as “a feel good”…

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The Age I’m In

  FORCE MAJEURE and CARRIAGEWORKS present A DANCE THEATRE PERFORMANCE DIRECTED by KATE CHAMPION: THE AGE I’M IN. THE AGE I’M IN was first presented at Sydney Festival and Adelaide International Festival in 2008. This is the first time I have seen this work. I have to confess I have not always enjoyed or liked this company’s work. On reflection, after witnessing this work last night, it maybe because the work was always a work that was in its premiere season. The task of creating, rehearsing, solving problems artistic, and with this company’s work, technical as well, and then presenting…

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