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The Literati

  Griffin Theatre Company and Bell Shakespeare present THE LITERATI, by Justin Fleming after Moliere’s LES FEMMES SAVANTES, at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross, 27 May- 16 July. THE LITERATI, is an adaptation by Australian writer Justin Fleming, of Moliere’s LES FEMMES SAVANTES, presented in a co-production by Bell Shakespeare – a company dedicated to texts of classic heritage – and the Griffin Theatre Company – Sydney’s company dedicated to present new Australian work. Moliere was the stage name of Jean Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), an actor, and the author of a series of comedies that has some regard him…

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Jasper Jones

  Belvoir presents JASPER JONES. Based on the novel by Craig Silvey. Adapted by Kate Mulvaney. In the Upstairs Theatre, Belvoir St, Surry Hills. 6 Jan – 7 Feb., 2016. JASPER JONES, was written by Craig Silvey, with a young adult readership in mind in 2009, and has garnered many prizes and become a popular book – even a studied school text. I was never a fan of the book, finding it a fairly ordinarily researched novel – it is set in a country town, Corrigan, in Western Australia during the period of the Vietnam war, the summer of 1965.…

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Photo by Lisa Tomasetti Bell Shakespeare presents TARTUFFE, The Hypocrite, by Moliere, in a New Version, by Justin Fleming, in the Drama Theatre, at the Sydney Opera House. 26 July -23 August. TARTUFFE – The Hypocrite is a New Version of the Moliere play (1664) by Australian playwright, Justin Fleming, which was first presented by the Melbourne Theatre Company (MTC) in 2008, as THE HYPOCRITE. It is now to be seen, presented by The Bell Shakespeare Company, in the Drama Theatre, at the Sydney Opera House. Peter Evans, Co-Artistic Director of the Bell Company, once again directs, and this production,…

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Griffin Theatre Company presents The Sydney Premiere of BEACHED by Melissa Bubnic at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. BEACHED is a new play by Melissa Bubnic. It concerns the making of a Reality Television program (Producer: Arka Das) that covers the 235 day countdown to a gastric bypass operation for a young man, Arty, or Arthur Arthur (Blake Davis), who is disabled by obesity – an 18 year old boy weighing 400 kilograms, “the world’s fattest teenager” – and his efforts on that journey, including a Pathways to Work officer’s intervention, Louise (Kate Mulvany), so that Arty “can get…

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Julius Caesar

  Bell Shakespeare present JULIUS CAESAR by William Shakespeare at the Playhouse, Sydney Opera House. Dear Diary, I am going to fulminate. William Shakespeare’s JULIUS CAESAR has been adapted for the Bell Shakespeare Company by playwright/actress Kate Mulvany with the Director, Peter Evans. Ms Mulvany makes a confession in her program notes that “Until this time last year, JULIUS CAESAR was not a play that I held close. Like many others, it was ‘that play about war and men and togas and speeches’ “. Well to be pedantic, there are only three others like it, in the Shakespeare canon, that…

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The Seed

At the Belvoir Theatre, Company B under the auspices of Neil Armfield presented a relatively new Australian Play, THE SEED by Kate Mulvany. Originally presented in the 80 odd seater downstairs as part of the 2007 B Sharp Season, an annually curated season of Co-operative Theatre Companies, the play has been invited to play in the Main House Upstairs. This is a much larger space (300 odd seats). The experiential heat of a close space often covers the faults of a play. But in this bigger space the play is exposed at a comfortable distance from the emotional breaths and…

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