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The Arrangement

KEN UNSWORTH in collaboration with AUSTRALIAN DANCE ARTISTS and THE SONG COMPANY presents THE ARRANGEMENT in the Ken Unsworth Studio, Alexandria. July 12 – July 20. THE ARRANGEMENT has an astounding role call of talent that has been summoned to collaborate on a work of art: Visual, Music and Dance, by Mr Unsworth – the Arts. All, compelled by their artistic longings and disciplines, for those of us, less gifted, relatively, ordinary ones, who are entranced by the gifts of the extraordinary. Ken Unsworth has collaborated, once again, with the AUSTRALIAN DANCE ARTISTS: Susan Barling, Anca Frankenhaeuser, Patrick Harding-Irmer, Ross…

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The Australia Quartet, Ken Unsworth Studio

Ken Unsworth Studio presents the Australian Quartet. I was invited to the Ken Unsworth Studio in Belmont St in Alexandria to attend the launching of a new configuration of the Australia Quartet. Belmont! Alexandria! With an applied imagination: two romantic titles, I think. And at the Ken Unsworth studio, he has created an intimate little performance space, and as I listened to this concert, caused me to reflect, to remember the soiree scenes in films like Visconti’s L’INNOCENTE and THE LEOPARD. If we were all dressed differently I could have believed I was in such a private space and listening…

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