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The Puzzle Collective and Shakespeare Twentyscore present, SUPERHAL, adapted by John Galea, from Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part One and Two, and Henry V, at the Parade Theatre, NIDA, Kensington. 7 March – 18 March. Says John Galea, the Director and Script Editor, of SUPERHAL: When watching Henry IV, Directed by John Bell, “I could see that there was a fully fledged archetypical origin story, a mythic father/son conflict (the source of Mario Puzo’s Godfather) sitting in between history and legend. … As usual, my head was full of sic-fi, fantasy and Marvel. … I was encouraged by the hugely positive…

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  NEW THEATRE present MILKMILKLEMONADE by Joshua Conkel at the New Theatre, Newtown. MILKMILKLEMONADE a play by Joshua Conkel concerns, in essence, the coming-of-age of two young boys, Emory (Mark Dessaix) and Elliot (Kieran Foster) living in the boon-docks of somewhere in America, who are gay and are not sure what that is. The play is set on a chicken farm. It is run by Nanna (Peter Nettell) – impersonated here as a lady with all the visual ‘drag’ qualities of kitchy butch: flamboyantly grotesque trappings of wig, make up and costume, who has a certain pragmatic charm and direct…

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God’s Ear

God’s Ear – Trailer from Anne Brito on Vimeo. Pursued by a Bear and The Reginald Theatre, The Seymour Centre present GOD’S EAR by Jenny Schwartz in the Downstairs Theatre at the The Seymour Centre, Sydney. A week, and I have read the very satisfactory new Jeffery Eugenides novel THE MARRIAGE PLOT. Began Gillian Mears’ FOAL’S BREAD. Re-read Kenneth Lonnergan’s LOBBY HERO – 2001, (The New York times having suggested that it may be the best American play of the first decade of the millennium); David Hare’s and Howard Brenton’s play PRAVDA – 1984, because the principal character has shadows…

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