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The Natural Conservatorium for Wise Women

Clockfire Theatre presents, THE NATURAL CONSERVATORIUM FOR WISE WOMEN, at the Old 505 Theatre, Eliza St Newtown. 3rd October – 21st October. THE NATURAL CONSERVATORIUM FOR WISE WOMEN, is a newly devised work by Clockfire Theatre, under the Direction of Emily Ayoub, with a set of collaborative artists that have created a remarkable experience. The subject is the story of the Patriarchy at war with the other elements of his world. Whilst sitting in the defended achievements of his home space he receives letters of provocation from the Yours in truth, La Femme du Jardin. Preparing for invasion the patriarch…

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Do Something Else

Photo by Michael Pigott Laura Turner and Old 505 Theatre, present DO SOMETHING ELSE, Devised by Cloe Fournier, Ryuichi Fujimura, Brigid Vidler and Michael Pigott, at the Old 505 Theatre, Eliza St. Newtown, 4 October – 22 October. DO SOMETHING ELSE is a new work Devised by two dancers Cloe Fournier and Ryuichi Fujimura and sculptor/theatre maker Bridget Vidler with Director Michael Pigott. Says Mr Pigott: I was interested in seeing if you could make theatre that emulates thought processes, the different ways that we deal with material within our own minds; dreams, memory, the voices of doubt or excitement –…

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