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Wheels and Co Productions presents the Australian Premiere of BURIED. Two Short plays by Xavier Coy, at The Old 505 Theatre, Eliza St. Newtown. 17 – 27 January. BURIED is the overarching title for the Australian Premiere of two short plays: THE SANDPIPER and SMOKIN’ JOE, by new comer, writer, Xavier Coy. It is an auspicious debut. Both plays have distinct character voices within the context of a very dramatic arc of storytelling that keeps one suspended and enthralled. Says Mr Coy in the program notes: In THE SANDPIPER and SMOKIN’ JOE I am exploring (the idea of) trauma in…

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This Is Not Mills and Boon

Photo by Stephen Godfrey Glorious Thing Theatre Co present, THIS IS NOT MILLS AND BOON, by Erica J. Brennan, at The Old 505, Eliza St., Newtown. 22 May – 7 June. Says the writer, Erica J. Brennan; There are still significant challenges in achieving a sense of playfulness towards physical intimacy. The enemy, shame seems to be at the heart of Ms Brennan’s play/protest. Shame, and of course, fear. We begin at a book launch of Nikki Sex’s latest collection of erotica short stories – not pornography – erotica. Present are us and Abby (Emma Chelsey), as the guest of Sol…

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Under Milk Wood

Genesian Theatre present, UNDER MILK WOOD, by Dylan Thomas, at the Genesain Theatre, 420 Kent St. City of Sydney. (Closes April 8th) The Genesian Theatre, like the New Theatre, are two of the oldest theatre institutions in continuing practise in Sydney. Both are classified as Amateur Theatres. The definition of ‘amateur’ in my Macquarie Dictionary provides an idea I cherish: One who cultivates any study or art or other activity for personal pleasure instead of professionally or for gain. This can define most of the participants who toil for these companies. However, it should be noted, that even in this…

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