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Lie With Me

Photo by David Hooley Brave New World presents, LIE WITH ME, by Liz Hobart, at The Old 505 Theatre, 5 Eliza St, Newtown. 2 – 13 October. LIE WITH ME, is a new Australian work by Liz Hobart. This is a new iteration of this project that has been in development over a period of almost 2 years. It examines the circumstances of a ‘serial’ killer. It focuses in on the parents of the young man – Sebastian – and the devastating effects that it has on them. Questions of responsibility in the manners and hazards of bringing up a child…

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Quiet Companions and Bryce is Right

New Theatre present QUIET COMPANIONS and the BRYCE is RIGHT at the New Theatre, Newtown. QUIET COMPANIONS is a partly improvised playlet set in, supposedly, the Victorian Era.  This is “a show that begins with a delightfully wicked twosome playing private games (that) slowly descends into an exploration of the dark, psychological country that lies beneath.”  According to Marko Mustac the creator, director and one of the performers of this exercise in the theatre, the other being Lyn Pierce, he hopes that “unlike most improvised shows this is a serious piece: it is not meant to be funny … It…

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The Pigeons

    Pearly Productions and Griffin Independent present THE PIGEONS by David Gieselmann at the SBW Stables Theatre. A German comedy seems to some of us an oxymoron. But one would have to be a moron not to have a few good laughs at THE PIGEONS by David Giselmann at the SBW Stables. This is the English language premiere. A short 65 minute character driven farce the translation by Maja Zade is truly hilarious. Farce is difficult. Verbal farce is even more difficult to sustain. But what Mr Giselmann has managed is to succinctly put nine characters in the same…

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Mardi Gras Shows

Sydney is famous in February for the SYDNEY GAY AND LESBIAN MARDI GRAS month-long Festival. Two of the projects I saw were, firstly, a short new work THE FABULOUS PUNCH AND JUDY SHOW by Brent Thorpe at the Cleveland Street Theatre. The text is muddled and the Gay Politics feel dated but there are some amusing “sketch” comedy bits. The direction by Anthony Skuse and the really marvelous Design by Rita Carmody supported gorgeously by the Lighting Design of Verity Hampson has more than a whiff of the old Lindsay Kemp theatrics. Arky Michael gives a brilliantly dark physical, vocal…

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