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Space Cats

Photo by Andre Vasquez Brevity Theatre and Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival presents, SPACE CATS – an Intergalactic Feline Musical, by Samantha Young, at The Old 505 Theatre, Eliza St. Newtown. SPACE CATS – an Intergalactic Feline Musical at the Old 505 Theatre in Newtown has been Written and Directed by, and co-stars, Samantha Young. It begins in Russia in 1957 with the launching of the first dog, Laika (Graeme Mcrae), into space. This ‘rocket’ however, unlike the real satellite of history, crash lands onto a planet made up of 4 cats and many, many glitter balls. There is…

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Avenue Q

  LCW presents, Avenue Q – The Musical, at the Enmore Theatre, Enmore Rd, Enmore, 2 July – 15 July. AVENUE Q, Music and Lyrics by Robert Lopez and Jeff Marks, Book by Jeff Whitney, based on the original concept of Robert Lopez and Jeff Marks, is back in Sydney, under the banner of a new Production Company: Luke Wesley and LCW, at the Enmore Theatre, for a very short stay. I recommend that you go. The ‘blues’ of the day will spin away for the time that you spend in the theatre, for sure. First seen in the USA…

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Kandahar Gate

The National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) present KANDAHAR GATE, by Stephen Sewell, in The Parade Theatre, Kensington. 17th-21thJune, 23rd-24th June. KANDAHAR GATE is a new Australian play by Stephen Sewell. Mr Sewell, at present is the Head of Writing at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA), and this play and production is part of the training productions for the third year courses of 2014. I don’t usually comment on productions in Acting Schools, but not to mention the advent of this play, especially for historical record, would be a cultural remiss. Stephen Sewell was (is) one of the…

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