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  PICTURE THIS PRODUCTIONS and GRIFFIN INDEPENDENT present BUG by Tracey Letts at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. First produced in London in 1996 and not until 2004 in New York, BUG by Tracey Letts opened in Sydney last Friday, 14th May,2010. Set in a rundown motel room in Oklahoma City, that is the ‘home’ of Agnes (Jeanette Cronin), a dependent and abuser of cocaine, she both snorts and freebases it, an itinerant ex-Gulf War (Sakaka in the Syrian Desert) soldier, Peter Evans (Matthew Walker), drifts into her life having being introduced by her friend, R.C.(Catherine Terracini). The paranoia…

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Sydney Symphony: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

SYDNEY SYMPHONY 2009 Season. ENERGY AUSTRALIA MASTER SERIES: A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. Overture and incidental music for Shakespeare’s play by Felix Mendelssohn. Text abridged by Tim Carroll.   This concert is a celebration of “the opening of the concert season for 2009… the beginning of the formal relationship between Vladimir Ashkenazy and the Symphony” and the birth of Felix Mendelssohn, two hundred years ago, in 1809.   In the Introductory notes to the performance we are told “the program we’ve devised for tonight speaks to the power of music – not just its power to move our emotions and stimulate…

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