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Ear To The Edge Of Time

  Sport For Jove and Seymour Centre present, EAR TO THE EDGE OF TIME, by Alana Valentine, in the Reginald Theatre, at the Seymour Centre, Chippendale. 13 – 27th October. EAR TO THE EDGE OF TIME, by Alana Valentine, won in 2012, The 5th International Stage Award – a competition for the best play in the world about Science or Technology. This is its premiere in Sydney (perhaps, the world?). Professor Geraldine Kell-Cantrell (Belinda Giblin), an internationally famous scientist has commissioned an anthology of poetry that has science as its subject of pre-occupation. Daniel Singer (Tim Walter), a poet, has…

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Photo by Clare Hawley The Ensemble Theatre presents, e-baby, by Jane Cafarella, at the Ensemble Theatre, Kirribilli, 13 October – 13 November. e-baby is a new Australian play by Jane Cafarella, for two women, seen first in Melbourne, last year. The play charts a surrogacy pregnancy. We first meet Catherine (Danielle Carter), a 46 year-old, ex-pat Australian, living the ‘dream’ as a high-flying lawyer based in London, with a practice in New York, who after trying with her architect husband for eleven years to have a child through IVF treatment and failing, decides that her need to have a child of…

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