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Wheels and Co Productions presents the Australian Premiere of BURIED. Two Short plays by Xavier Coy, at The Old 505 Theatre, Eliza St. Newtown. 17 – 27 January. BURIED is the overarching title for the Australian Premiere of two short plays: THE SANDPIPER and SMOKIN’ JOE, by new comer, writer, Xavier Coy. It is an auspicious debut. Both plays have distinct character voices within the context of a very dramatic arc of storytelling that keeps one suspended and enthralled. Says Mr Coy in the program notes: In THE SANDPIPER and SMOKIN’ JOE I am exploring (the idea of) trauma in…

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The Sugar Syndrome

THE SUGAR SYNDROME (2003) is Lucy Prebble’s first play. In Sydney, we have seen, the brilliantly conceived play, THE EFFECT (2012), in a relatively botched production at the Sydney Theatre Company (STC) – I had seen the original production at the National Theatre – and before that, a production of the multi-award winning play, ENRON (2009) at the enterprising and surprising New Theatre in Newtown (since the play dealt with the fraudulent activities of Investment Companies/Corporations, one can, perhaps, understand why that play never got onto the corporately sponsored STC stages – keeping your audience ignorant and your sponsors happy is sometimes important…

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