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Scenes from an Execution

  Photo by Katy Green Loughrey Tooth and Sinew in association with Sydney Independent Theatre Company (SITCO) presents SCENES FROM AN EXECUTION by Howard Barker at the Old Fitzroy Theatre, Woolloomooloo, Sydney. Season:13th May – 31st May. SCENES FROM AN EXECUTION is a play from Howard Barker, written, originally, as a Radio Play in 1984, starring Glenda Jackson as Galactia, and was staged in 1990 at the Almeida Theatre, London, with Ms Jackson creating the role again. The play was presented in 2012 at the National Theatre of Great Britain, with Fiona Shaw, and there was a production presented at…

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Tidy Town Of Yhe Year

  Photography by Katy Green Loughrey Produced by 3 Quacks in association with Sydney Independent Theatre Company, TIDY TOWN OF THE YEAR, by Andy Leonard, Sarah Hodgetts and Victoria Greiner at the Old Fitzroy Theatre, Woolloomooloo. Three ‘kids’ (forgive me, if inappropriate) in the ‘kitchen’ of playmaking, at the Old Fitzroy Theatre: Andy Leonard, Sarah Hodgetts and Victoria Greiner, have produced, written, and are performing, in TIDY TOWN OF THE YEAR. They have taken on the fearsome genre of “black comedy”, even more daringly, “black farce.” Town rivalry, petty jealousies, cruel behaviour, mistaken identities, revenge tactics, murder, blood, a bulky…

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DECORUM in association with the Sydney Independent Theatre Company presents LEGEND! by Pat Sheil at the Old Fitzroy Theatre, Woolloomooloo. LEGEND! is a one man play by Pat Sheil. It creates a character, ‘Slips’ Cordon, a grandfather, played by John Derum, who is an anecdotal folk-historian acquainted, familiar, with some of the major figures and events of our last century. The authority for the veracity of his tellings is that of a self-proclaimed eye witness, and “I was there”, becomes the running mantra throughout the recollections (the tales of Baron von Münchhausen and George MacDonald Fraser’s Harry Flashman seemed to…

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Photo by Katy Green Loughrey Brevity Theatre Company in association with Sydney Independent Theatre Company presents the Sydney Premiere of WITTENBURG by David Davalos at the Old Fitzroy Theatre, Woolloomooloo. It is 1517, and Hamlet (Alexander Butt) has returned, for a tennis tournament, to his university at Wittenburg, from a summer vacation in Poland where he has been studying astronomy with “One Doctor Nikolai Copernik …” and is facing a spiritual dilemma based around new ideas, theories, that the earth moves around the sun, and not as his church (the good old Roman one) has taught him, that the sun…

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Photo by Katy Green Loughrey Sydney Independent Theatre Company (SITCO) present a World Premiere of FRIDAY by Daniele Giorgi at the Old Fitzroy Theatre, Woolloomooloo. Last Thursday, the 8th August was the World Premiere of “a sizzling new Australian Political Satire FRIDAY by Daniela Giorgi. Sex, secrets and scandals – a tale of democracy in the land of the long weekend” at the Old Fitzroy Theatre, Woolloomooloo. A new Australian play about Democracy set in a seat of government! Ms Giorgi suggests, coyly, in her notes, about the play, in the program, that “FRIDAY does not replay real events, actual…

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Say Hello First

Cupboard Love and Sydney Independent Theatre Company present SAY HELLO FIRST developed by Danielle Maas and Joe Kernahan at the Old Fitzroy Theatre. SAY HELLO FIRST is a devised ‘verbatim’ work (it felt as if it were heavily re-constructed from verbatim, perhaps?) by the two performers, Danielle Maas and Joe Kernahan, directed by Jason Langley. The two artists, “together, armed with a recording device and the urge to know why,(…) set out to interview twenty guys from Dani’s life, and on the way discover: The Rules.” The rules to courting, modern courting, one presumes. The premise of the work has…

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