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  Pact Centre For Emerging Artists presents A Performance By The 2013 Pact Ensemble; HARVEST in the Pact Theatre, Erskineville. Julie Vulcan, the director tells us in her program notes for this performance, that “HARVEST investigates the world we live in through food, consumption and waste.” A small group of young “emerging artists” have with Ms Vulcan researched and devised a performance, situated about long tables surrounding a heightened platform. The audience is personalized and invited in groups into the space to share the experience. We are offered milk and peanuts whilst the result of rehearsal is strung together in…

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Matthew Day: Intermission

Photo by James Brown PACT centre for emerging artists presents MATTHEW DAY: INTERMISSION at the pact Theatre, Erskineville. INTERMISSION is the final instalment in my solo series TRILOGY. The three part solo project developed between 2009-2012 was conceived to allow the scope and time to rigorously research an intense interest in durational choreographic forms and the body as a site of infinite potential and continual becoming. I wanted to create work that was alive in the moment of performance, to give enough space and time for the audience to become aware of their perceptual shifts and for a choreographic encounter…

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  Pact Centre for Emerging Artists presents 3QUARED (2) = 9 Fantastic Fabrications at the Pact Theatre, Erskineville. The Sydney Fringe Festival as arrived for 2011 The Pact Centre for Emerging Artists has collected a two-part program called 3QUARED=9 Fantastic Fabrications (the first opened on Thursday the 8th September, the next opens on the 22nd). I attended a meeting the other day which defined the difference between the FRINGE and the CO-OP scene. The Fringe was described as an opportunity for young artists to get their work out of the living room or garage and into a space where more…

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Bully Beef Stew

  BULLY BEEF STEW commissioned by PACT centre for emerging artists at the Pact Theatre, Erskineville, Sydney. The director Andrea James: “I (was) invited by Pact centre for emerging artists to work with a small group of very good looking and highly talented Aboriginal men: Sonny Dallas Law, Colin Kinchella, and Bjorn Stewart. As young ‘uninitiated men’ they have reflected on their relationships with their fathers and other Aboriginal men in their lives. They have done this without romanticising what it is to be an Aboriginal man today, nor have they gone down the ‘poor fulla me’ path. They have…

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