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De Quincey Co present METADATA, in association with FORM Dance Projects and Dancehouse, in the Lennox Theatre, Riverside Theatres, Parramatta. (Sept 15-17). METADATA  is a program of two works by De Quincey Co. The first is PURE LIGHT, danced and choreographed by Tess de Quincey. It is, says Ms de Quincey, ‘a homage to the fluorescent light installations of American minimalist artist Dan Flavin (1933-96),(where) a space is sculpted by light and colour to explore impermanence.’ In a Design by Martin Fox, which had the emptied stage space of the theatre flanked by a string of white fluorescent lights on…

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No Cold Feet

De Quincey Co and Art and About Sydney 2011 presents NO COLD FEET at Cathedral Square and Cook & Phillip Park. Tess De Qunicey has collected a group of her movement apostles/practitioners (Body Weather): Peter Fraser, Linda Luke, Vicki Van Hout, Kathryn Puie, Katina Olsen, Mark Hill, Kirsty Kiloh and Gideon Payten-Griffiths and together with a Sound Design by Barbara Clare and Steve Toulmin and Lighting by Rachel Smith  has created a site specific work: NO COLD FEET at the St Mary’s Cathedral Square and the adjoining Cook & Phillip Park. At dusk, so that the work begins in twilight…

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  Performance Space present De Quincey Co in RUN at CarriageWorks, Bay 20. Two years ago De Quincey Co presented, as a site specific experience, a work called THE STIRRING. THE STIRRING had the audience travel around the then relatively “new” performance spaces of the CarriageWorks. In many beautiful and artfully designed and lit spaces,(Like the huge mound of steaming coal, or the deserted and decaying watch-shed beside the busy railway line lived in by a de Quincey dancer, with the clattering of the passing suburban trains lit inside with commuters, blissfully unaware of their performance contribution, moving through the…

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On the card used for publicity it states “TRIPTYCH examines three elements-air, electricity and water-through dance, sonic and visual structures.” In the program notes “Our global respiration draws from air and water that has existed for 4.5 billion years. Our first and last breath define a human cycle; the water implicit within our bodies is a necessity for all known carbon based life; whilst the electrical sparks of the synapses which link us to the electric sheath and circuitry that kickstarts and maintains life processes, must be present for any of our “thoughts” to take place.” De Quincey Co is…

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I paid up my $50 to become a member and join in the exploration of a season “of intimate events in and around the vast spaces of Carriageworks.” 50 bucks well spent. It is a bit like having a degustation at a restaurant. Some of it is great, layered with sensations, some of it is unpalatable but all of it is interesting even in the negatives. It is an adventure. Congratulations to Fiona Winning and her team and guests/artists. I saw DUAL on the Friday night. A piece of dance by Nalina Wait. This was a nicely conceived work. The…

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