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The Judas Kiss

Photo by John Marmaras Red Line Productions and the sponsorship of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras presents, THE JUDAS KISS, by David Hare, at the Old Fitz Theatre, Cathedral St, Woolloomooloo, 15 February -11 March. THE JUDAS KISS, is a play by David Hare, written in 1998. Neil Armfield Directed it for Belvoir St Theatre, a few years ago, and Directed it again in 2013 in London to acclaim, apparently, making a claim for the play’s reputation that it had failed to establish in its first outing. The First Act of the play occurs on the 5th of April, 1895,…

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Remembering Pirates

Photograph by Helen White Darlinghurst Theatre Co presents, REMEMBERING PIRATES, by Christopher Harley, in the Eternity Theatre, Burton St Darlinghurst, 16 September – 16 October. REMEMBERING PIRATES is a new work by Christopher Harley, who gave us BLOOD BANK at the Ensemble Theatre late last year. The ‘core’ of the dramatics of this new play is similar to the last one by Mr Harley. Two brothers: one of them lost (Michael), the other (John) subsequently traumatised. (In BLOOD BANK, it was Justin that was lost and Michael traumatised). In this instance we also have a sister, Wendy and the haunting playtime…

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The Tempest

  Bell Shakespeare presents THE TEMPEST, by William Shakespeare, in the Playhouse Theatre, at the Sydney Opera House, 19 August -18 September, 2015. This production of Shakespeare’s THE TEMPEST (1611) from Bell Shakespeare, Directed by John Bell, is Mr Bell’s farewell production for the company he founded twenty-five years ago. Mr Bell has played the role of Prospero three times in his career and it is interesting to read in his Director’s Notes, in the program, his debunking of the notion that THE TEMPEST was Shakespeare’s last play and that it is a valediction, with Prospero as a self-portrait of…

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Unholy Ghosts

Photo by Danielle Lyonne Griffin Independent and White Box Theatre present UNHOLY GHOSTS by Campion Decent, at the SBW Stables, Theatre, Kings Cross. 27 August – 20 September. UNHOLY GHOSTS is a new Australian play from Campion Decent. It was the winner of the Rodney Seaborn Playwright’s Award in 2012. .. (UNHOLY GHOSTS) tells the story of my family and our navigation of loss. Yet it stands as a representation of a story that visits us all in one way or another at some point in our lives. It was written from a space of grief in an attempt to…

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Sydney Theatre Company presents MACHINAL by Sophie Treadwell in Wharf 2 , Hickson Road.   Machinal, the play by Sophie Treadwell, was first produced on Broadway in 1928. Ms Treadwell was an investigative journalist and writer. This play was inspired, loosely based, on an actual murder case celebre of the period, that of Ruth Snyder. Ruth Snyder was convicted for the murder of her husband, and along with her lover, was executed at Sing Sing Prison – she was the first woman to be executed in the electric chair, since 1899. The case was a newspaper sensation and became historically infamous…

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The Mouse Trap

  Michael Coppel, Louise Withers, Linda Bewick in association with Adrian Barnes by arrangement with Mousetrap Ltd London present Agatha Christie’s THE MOUSETRAP at the Sydney Theatre. The publicity for the production of Agatha Christie’s THE MOUSETRAP has centred around the 60th Anniversay of this play’s production. It has been running in London non-stop for precisely that length of time. It was felt this was a way to celebrate it. Given the penchant audiences have for the television productions of Ms Christie’s work – both, Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot; and the unbelievable success of a soppy, soft series such…

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