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Maggie Stone

Photo by Robert Catto   Darlinghurst Theatre Company presents, MAGGIE STONE, by Caleb Lewis, at The Eternity Playhouse, Burton St, Darlinghurst. 29th September – 21st October. MAGGIE STONE is an Australian play by Caleb Lewis. It was written eight years ago. This is its first outing in Sydney. Maggie Stone (Eliza Logan), a let-herself-go, middle-aged lower rung corporate slave – small loans officer – struggles to maintain an equilibrium of pleasantness around the ‘service’ she is meant to dole out. Coming from a past that sat in the fringes of criminality her tolerance for everyday courtesy is severely impaired, for,…

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Measure for Measure, and The Servant of Two Masters

With this year adaptations of Shakespeare’s MEASURE FOR MEASURE and Carlo Goldoni’s THE SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS, Sport For Jove (SFJ) present their ninth summer season at Bella Vista Farm, and in Leura, in the Everglades Gardens. Lizzie Schebesta, the Director of MEASURE FOR MEASURE, declares in her program notes to be ‘an unashamedly feminist theatre maker and will frack my way into a play to bring out its female voice.’ So with excision of text – even a whole sub-plot and several characters – and much re-writing, with a Design concept (Sallyanne Facer) that liberally borrows from contemporary television…

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