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The Rolling Stone

Photo by Clare Hawley Outhouse Theatre Co and the Seymour Centre presents, THE ROLLING STONE, by Chris Urch, in the Reginald Theatre, at the Seymour Centre, Chippendale. 5th – 21st July. THE ROLLING STONE is an Award winning British play, by Chris Urch, written in 2014. This play is set in Uganda, and concerns the dilemmas of a fundamental Christian family: three siblings, Dembe (Elijah Williams), his sister, Wummie (Zufi Emerson), both promising students, and Pastor brother, Joe (Mandela Mathia), when the youngest, 18 year old Dembe, realises his homosexuality. By Ugandan law it is the family’s duty to denounce…

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The Flick

Photo by Marnya Rothe Outhouse Theatre Company and Seymour Centre present, THE FLICK, by Annie Baker, in the Reginald Theatre, at the Seymour Centre, City Rd. Chippendale. 5th – 21st April. THE FLICK, by Annie Baker, is a multi-award winning American play. It won the Pulitzer Prize for 2014. It is also a play that has divided the audience’s response between relish and rejection. The Flick is a run-down cinema that screens re-runs/revivals in Worcester, Massachusetts. It is practically the only cinema that projects film rather than digital in Massachusetts state. We meet its staff of three, over a summer…

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A Pacifist’s Guide To The War On Cancer

Seymour Centre presents a Complicite Associates and Bryony Kimmings Production, A PACIFIST’S GUIDE TO THE WAR ON CANCER, by Bryony Kimmings, and Brian Lobel with Kirsty Housley, in the York Theatre, at the Seymour Centre, City Rd. Chippendale. 22 March – 29 March. A PACIFIST’S GUIDE TO THE WAR ON CANCER is a play work constructed around the journey of the writer, Bryony Kimmings, who had been commissioned by Complicite Associates, an arm of the internationally acclaimed theatre company Complicite, to develop a work around the subject of cancer. In the show, Ms Kimmings, with a micro-phone introduces, briefly, herself…

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The Shifting Heart

Photo by Danielle Lyonne White Box Theatre and Seymour Centre presents, THE SHIFTING HEART, by Richard Beynon, in the Reginald Theatre, Seymour Centre, Chippendale. 8th March – 24th March. THE SHIFTING HEART is a revival production of an Australian play by Richard Beynon, premiered in 1957 in Sydney, that, then, under the sponsorship of the Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust, subsequently, toured the nation and had production in the London West End in 1959. This production is part of the Reginald Program supporting Independent Theatre. The play is part of the syllabus for NSW schools. Following the catastrophe of World War…

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Strangers In Between

STRANGERS IN BETWEEN, is a revival production of Australian writer, Tommy Murphy’s 2005 play. This play won the NSW Premier’s Literary Award in 2006, and it is satisfying to see that there was some good reckoning in giving this play such recognition, as this present production at the Seymour Centre reveals it as a timeless insight into its world. Director, Daniel Lammin, has with his Designers: Set and Costume by Abbie Lea Hough; Lighting by Rob Sowinski (associate, Bryn Cullen) and Sound by Raya Slavin, come up with solutions that place the scenarios of the play clearly and securely in…

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The Daisy Theatre

Sydney Festival, present THE DAISY THEATRE, from Ronnie Burkett of Marionettes, Canada, in the Reginald Theatre, at the Seymour Centre, Chippendale. 6-28 January. Ronnie Burkett is a Canadian Artist who has for the last 30 odd years been the leading ‘light’ and inspiration for the Ronnie Burkett Theatre of Marionettes, and has over that time developed enumerable full length productions for which he has Designed the Marionette, Costume and Set, and single-handedly written and performed with extreme physical and vocal virtuosity, in each of them. (P.S. He does have help: for instance, the Music and Sound Design is by John…

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