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Remembering Pirates

Photograph by Helen White Darlinghurst Theatre Co presents, REMEMBERING PIRATES, by Christopher Harley, in the Eternity Theatre, Burton St Darlinghurst, 16 September – 16 October. REMEMBERING PIRATES is a new work by Christopher Harley, who gave us BLOOD BANK at the Ensemble Theatre late last year. The ‘core’ of the dramatics of this new play is similar to the last one by Mr Harley. Two brothers: one of them lost (Michael), the other (John) subsequently traumatised. (In BLOOD BANK, it was Justin that was lost and Michael traumatised). In this instance we also have a sister, Wendy and the haunting playtime…

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Good Works

Photography by Helen White Darlinghurst Theatre present GOOD WORKS by Nick Enright at the Eternity Theatre, Burton St, Darlinghurst November 4 -29. The Darlinghurst Theatre and the Enright Family have joined together to produce a-play-a-year by Australian writer, Nick Enright. Last year they produced together DAYLIGHT SAVING, next year, A MAN WITH 5 CHILDREN. In the Eternity Playhouse Iain Sinclair has Directed Enright’s GOOD WORKS (1994). GOOD WORKS presents the story of two families over a 50 year span, of particularly, two Australian girls/women growing up in a country Australian town in the 1930-50’s with all of the attendant and…

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The House of Ramon Iglesia

Photography by Clare Hawley Mophead Productions presents, THE HOUSE OF RAMON IGLESIA, by Jose Rivera, at the Old Fitz Theatre, Cnr Cathedral and Dowling St, Woolloomooloo, May 12 – June 6. Director Anthony Skuse and Mophead Productions introduced this writer, Jose Rivera, in 2009, when he gave us REFERENCES TO SALVADOR DALI MAKE ME HOT (2000), at the Griffin. THE HOUSE OF RAMON IGLESIA (1983) is Mr Rivera’s first play and has all the hallmarks of an auto-biographical/poetic licensed work. Javier (Stephen Multari) is the eldest son of three brothers, the others: Julio (Christian Charisiou) and Charlie (David Soncin), of Pureto Rican…

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HILT by Jane Bodie at the Old 505 Theatre, Level 5, 342 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills. HILT is a chamber play by Jane Bodie in several short scenes. The play begins with Kate (Alexandra Aldrich), alone on stage, in a small inner city apartment, appearing to be dealing with some deep inner ‘core’ disturbance. Enter Nick (Sam O’Sullivan), and we are amused with an awkward, clumsy flirtation that ends in sexual consummation. In the next scene we meet Adam (Stephen Multari), who, we discover is Kate’s partner. There is an apparent connection between them both, but, it seems to have…

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4000 Miles

  MopHead Productions and Catnip Productions present 4000 MILES by Amy Herzog at the under the Wharf atyp space, Hickson Rd. 4000 MILES by Amy Herzog, won the Obie Award for Best New American Play in 2012 . The reputation of the writer and this play had preceded this production under the wharf in the atyp space. It is a ‘little’ play dealing with the intergenerational relationship, today, between a 91 year old, ex-communist activist, Vera (Diana Mclean), living in Greenwich Village, New York, and her grandson, Leo (Stephen Multari), a young, slightly committed to alternative-living ‘hippy’, who has just…

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References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot

  Arts Radar and Griffin Independent present REFERENCES TO SALVADOR DALI MAKE ME HOT by Jose Rivera. At the SBW Stables Theatre. I had a very exciting and translating experience with this play and production. I can thoroughly recommend it. Jose Rivera born in Puerto Rico in 1955 now lives in Los Angeles. This play reflects the cultures that he has grown in. “Rivera insists that all aspects of life are magical if looked at from the right perspective.” Following on from Blanche DuBois’s cry in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE: “I don’t want realism, I want magic” this play appears,…

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