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The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant

Photo by Clare Hawley Mophead Productions in association with Red Line Productions present, THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT, by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, translated by David Tushingham, at the Old Fitz Theatre, Cathedral St, Wooloomooloo. 11 October – 12 November. The writer of THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, made 40 feature length films, 2 Television film series, 3 short films, 4 video productions, 24 stage plays and 4 radio plays, and gave 36 acting roles in his own and others’ films. He worked as well as author, cameraman, composer, designer, editor and theatre manager.…

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4 Minutes 12 Seconds

  Out House Theatre Co and Red Line presents, 4 Minutes 12 Seconds, by James Fritz at the Old Fitz Theatre, Cathedral St, Wooloomooloo. 13 Sept – 8 Oct. 2016. 4 Minutes 12 Seconds is a British play, by James Fritz, written in 2013. This is the story of a mother, Di (Danielle King), with a husband, David (Jeremy Waters), and their son, Jack – who we never meet. The son has had a Facebook post that has gone viral. The content is not pleasant, the ramifications are huge. Di, a ‘helicopter’ mum, decides that she must intervene in the…

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A Girl with Sun in Her Eyes

Photo by Vanessa Wright Red Lines Productions present, A GIRL WITH SUN IN HER EYES, by Joshua Rollins, at The Old Fitz Theatre, Cathedral St, Wooloomooloo, OCT 27 – NOV 14. A GIRL WITH SUN IN HER EYES by American playwright, Josh Rollins is a late-night show at the Old Fitz. This is another Chicago corrupt cop plot on the Old Fitz stage, with the usual Old Fitz macho testosterone emphasis that has become a decidedly boring habit, and signature of the work in this space, with very few exceptions, over the past year, since Red Line Productions, in a flurry…

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