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Photo by Andrew Bott Seymour Centre, Red Stitch and The United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney present, GROUNDED, by George Brant, in the Reginald Theatre, City Rd Chippendale, May 1st – 16th. GROUNDED, by George Brant, performed by Kate Cole at the Reginald Theatre, SHOULD NOT BE MISSED. An exhilarated female Top Gun flies her own plane, her ‘Tiger”,  striking down the enemy, begins a relationship with an ordinary but love-smitten man, becomes pregnant, is required to stop flying, has a girl child, Sam, and later returns to the Air Force as part of “The Chair Force”…

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God’s Ear

God’s Ear – Trailer from Anne Brito on Vimeo. Pursued by a Bear and The Reginald Theatre, The Seymour Centre present GOD’S EAR by Jenny Schwartz in the Downstairs Theatre at the The Seymour Centre, Sydney. A week, and I have read the very satisfactory new Jeffery Eugenides novel THE MARRIAGE PLOT. Began Gillian Mears’ FOAL’S BREAD. Re-read Kenneth Lonnergan’s LOBBY HERO – 2001, (The New York times having suggested that it may be the best American play of the first decade of the millennium); David Hare’s and Howard Brenton’s play PRAVDA – 1984, because the principal character has shadows…

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