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Ulster American

ULSTER AMERICAN (2018) is a play by Irishman, David Ireland. Another of his plays : CYPRUS AVENUE (2016), was presented at the Old Fitz by Redline and Empress Theatre in 2019. In ULSTER AMERICAN, an ambitious English Theatre Director, Leigh Carver (Brian Meegan) has nurtured a promising young Irish (identifies as British) woman writer, Ruth Davenport (Harriet Gordon-Anderson), who has now presented an astonishing  new play about “The Troubles” of Ireland. It is so arresting that Leigh has been able to contract one of the ‘hottest’ American (who recognises his Irish American origins) Academy Award winning actors, Jay Conray (Jeremy Waters),…

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Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror

Photo by  Zaina Ahmed NOSFERATU: A SYMPHONY OF HORROR, is a 1922 German Expressionist silent horror film, Directed by F.W, Murnau and starring Max Schreck as vampire Count Orick. The creators were sued by the Bram Stoker family – the author of DRACULA – 1897 – for copyright infringement, which they hadn’t sought to acquire, and this was despite their attempts to disguise the source, by changing names of characters and the narrative. The penalty demanded was that all copies of the film were ordered to be burnt. However, one print had already been distributed around the world. Copies of it…

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Stupid Fucking Bird

Photo by Bob Seary New Theatre presents, STUPID FUCKING BIRD, by Aaron Posner, at the New Theatre, King St. Newtown. 12 – 28 July. STUPID FUCKING BIRD, is an American play by Aaron Posner, first seen in 2013. It has taken flight from the source material of Anton Chekhov’s THE SEAGULL. It is kinda an adaptation that follows more than less the original plot and concerns of Chekhov but transposes them to a darker contemporary world – reconstructing the leading characters, expanding some of the minor characters and/or mashing some of the other characters into a composite of the originals. This…

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