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  Performance Space and Liveworks Festival presents World Premiere, CARRION – Justin Shoulder, in Bay 20, Carriageworks, Wilson St, Redfern. 25 – 28 October, 2017. Performance Space and LIveworks Festival present, CARRION, in a new Performance Art piece created by Justin Shoulder. From the program notes: Justin Shoulder is an artist working in performance, sculpture, video and nightlife/community events production. His main body of work the “Fantastic Creatures” are invented alter-personas based on queered ancestral mythologies. These creatures are embodied through hand crafted costumes and prostheses and animated by their own gestural languages. Shoulder uses his body and craft to…

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Tangi Wai

  Performance Space presents, TANGI WAI – The Cry of Water, by Victoria Hunt, Bay 20, Carriageworks 28 Oct – 1 Nov 2015. TANGI WAI – The Cry of Water, is the latest work by Victoria Hunt. COPPER PROMISES, a work presented in 2012, was a great landmark in my theatre going experiences. I saw its final iteration after a ten year gestation development. This new work in its first incarnation, too, has great power and impresses deeply. Ms Hunt is of part-Maori inheritance and she is investigating the deep mythological origins of the creation stories of her worlds, through…

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Copper Promises

Photo by Heidrun Löhr Performance Space presents COPPER PROMISES: HINEMIHI HAKA in Bay 20 CARRIAGEWORKS, Redfern. Victoria Hunt after nearly a decade of research and preparation presented COPPER PROMISES: HINEMIHI HAKA at Carriageworks under the auspices of the Performance Space season of curated works for DIMENSION CROSSING last week in Bay 20. This performance, this work, was truly remarkable. Truly, unforgettable. An artist transubstantiated into the living spirit of her ancestry. An artist’s body transmuted into a traditional Maori meetinghouse, no, amazingly it was – Victoria Hunt, the spiritual female ancestor Hinemihi and the house itself – all three present…

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  Performance Space present De Quincey Co in RUN at CarriageWorks, Bay 20. Two years ago De Quincey Co presented, as a site specific experience, a work called THE STIRRING. THE STIRRING had the audience travel around the then relatively “new” performance spaces of the CarriageWorks. In many beautiful and artfully designed and lit spaces,(Like the huge mound of steaming coal, or the deserted and decaying watch-shed beside the busy railway line lived in by a de Quincey dancer, with the clattering of the passing suburban trains lit inside with commuters, blissfully unaware of their performance contribution, moving through the…

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  SUPERPERFECT. An international collaboration between Shopfront, Nibroll (Yokohama, Japan) & Keio SFC University (Fujisawa, Japan) at the Shopfront Theatre, Carlton, Sydney. Shopfront has been a theatre organisation out in south-east Sydney, Carlton for a very long time. It works with young performers from very wide ranging backgrounds from the community. In the Shopfront Annual Report for 2008 there is an encouraging and amazing breadth of work that this company covered in that year. The major work was a site specific work in the shopping street/area of Hurstville called (lost toy story). (The photographs of the event look quite fun.)…

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On the card used for publicity it states “TRIPTYCH examines three elements-air, electricity and water-through dance, sonic and visual structures.” In the program notes “Our global respiration draws from air and water that has existed for 4.5 billion years. Our first and last breath define a human cycle; the water implicit within our bodies is a necessity for all known carbon based life; whilst the electrical sparks of the synapses which link us to the electric sheath and circuitry that kickstarts and maintains life processes, must be present for any of our “thoughts” to take place.” De Quincey Co is…

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