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Party (verb)

I first knew of William Yang when he was Willie Young and part of the cast of the iconic original production of THE LEGEND OF KING O’MALLEY, written by Michael Boddy and Bob Ellis, in 1970, and recently re-staged at the Seymour Centre in 2014. Willie was part of the troupe that created, under the Direction of John Bell, as an an actor/singer/musician. Later, I remember him as part of the Rex Cramphorn Company in his Studio experiments on some of the Classical repertoire. Willie was never an actor really. Then, other than seeing photographs of him at dinners at…

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Who Speaks for Me?

  National Theatre of Parramatta and Performance 4a present, WHO SPEAKS FOR ME? devised from community memories by Annette Shun Wah and William Yang. 12 Oct – 15 Oct. WHO SPEAKS FOR ME? is a theatre production that has been Devised and Directed by Annette Shun Wah and William Yang. Three families now living in Australia having come relatively, recently from three different countries and cultures, tell multi-generational experiences of their origin and of the families’ assimilation into this new country which has now become their home. Simply standing in the spotlight, in front of standing microphones, at the side…

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Stories East and West

    Performance 4a and Company B Belvoir present STORIES EAST & WEST AT Upstairs Belvoir. This was a one night only event. Who is Performance 4a? “Performance 4a is a non-profit organisation established in 2002, seeking to engage artists and audiences alike in the discussion about how Asia and Australia are linked in contemporary life. We do this through performances, workshops, and via our website, home of the Asian-Australian Performance Directory.” This showing comes from a storytelling workshop conducted by William Yang for 4a in 2009. Six storytellers all from Asian backgrounds told us, in two parts, stories from…

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My Generation

  Performing Lines with Performance Space present MY GENERATION, WILLIAM YANG at Bay 21, Carriageworks. William Yang has been taking photographs for a very long time. He has had many exhibitions of his work, the first, SYDNEYPHILES at the Australian Centre for Photography in 1977. He has had several books of his works published (I have three of them: Sydney Diaries, Sadness and Friends of Dorothy). MY GENERATION is the tenth full-length performance piece by Mr Yang. They have toured Australia and International Festivals. He is the most internationally toured Australian performer. Two large screens at a slight V-shaped angle…

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