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Actor, Director and NIDA graduate, class of 1992

Dearest Kevin, you always named the Elephant in the room, you said the things that were being thought but that no one had the courage to say.

Your “Go deeper, think more wildly, walk the tightrope and if you fall, so what ?! at least you tried” attitude – was pivotal in shaping my approach to acting.

And I cannot thank you enough. With your quiet (and sometimes no so quiet!) insistence, you instilled in all of your students the knowledge that SUCCESS is only stumbled upon by moving through a myriad of FAILURES. That a life as an actor is riddled with failure, and to not to be frightened of that path. In failure is opportunity. As a result you inspired in us all a courage, a tenacity and a sense of risk that I believe are hallmarks of the Australian approach to acting and l, for one, am eternally grateful to you for that.

IF YOU ARE GOING TO FAIL, FAIL GLORIOUSLY. Your words are with me every single day.

I shall miss you, you old devil. Your wicked laugh. Your naughtiness. Your devotion. Your love of the craft, of the community and of the life. Thank you Kevin. Thank you. Thank you. Rest.

With love and gratitude

Cate x