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Colleague, Former Dean of Students, MFA Program, American Conservatory Theater, San Francisco

I loved Kevin Jackson. He was my friend, but he was also my teacher. I don’t believe he knew I thought of him as my teacher, but he was.

When I would be grumbling about work, etc., he would waggle his index finger at me and say ‘Play your flute!!!’. He was right, of course. I’d go home and play my flute and the mixed up pieces of my world would fall into place. He used this technique with his students too. He’d waggle that finger and say “Truth! You must speak the truth!” Kevin had this amazing ability to be able to figure people out. He understood people deeply. He knew what they were about and what they were capable of. And he expected his students to raise the barre of what they thought they could do. He demanded excellence, but understood fear and frustration. He imbued confidence, but didn’t take excuses.

I was on the mailing list for Kevin’s theatre reviews. One would arrive and I would begin reading. And reading. And reading some more. Kevin never used a half dozen words where several hundred would do. But if anyone wants an education in theatre, read those reviews. Every word. Kevin was the best read person I’ve ever known. He had a great curiosity for learning. He read, he watched films, he went to the theatre. And he always took something new away from these experiences. I think it was that curiosity that made him such a great teacher. And such a great friend.

He was a joy to be with. In searching my memory, I couldn’t come up with one time with him that wasn’t fun or interesting. He always made me smile and had a wicked sense of humor.

There were many times at ACT where he would mumble a word or two under his breath and it would be perfect. He helped me see the humor in many situations that, in turn, put things into perspective for me. I always thought Kevin was indestructible and his passing is achingly sad for me. With his love of knowledge and curiosity about the world, he added a great deal to my life. I know that there are many ACT graduates and former faculty who feel the same way. But what he gave me is indestructible and it will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Thank you Kevin.
Love, Maureen