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Photo by Heidrun Löhr

The Year of Magical Thinking

THE YEAR OF MAGICAL THINKING by Joan Didion, performed by Robyn Nevin and directed by Cate Blanchett for the Sydney Theatre Company.

This is a wonderful piece of writing and Robyn Nevin was wonderfully vulnerable in this one person piece.

I saw this early in the run (twice) and felt that I had never seen Ms Nevin so delicate and fragile with her usual strengths of cool intelligence and insight. Sensitively supported by Cate Blanchett with a provocative Set Design by Alice Babidge beautifully lit by Nick Schlieper and an abrasive but mostly apt Sound Design.


2 replies to “The Year of Magical Thinking”

  1. Mr Jackson
    I can only assume it’s a typo (twice) as surely someone of your great theatrical experience knows her name is spelled Robyn. Otherwise I agree completely–the most extraordinary performance i have seen on any stage, anywhere in the past decade.

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