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Missing the Bus to David Jones

  Performance Space and THEATRE KANTANKA present MISSING THE BUS TO DAVID JONES at CarriageWorks. MISSING THE BUS TO DAVID JONES is a work developed by KANTANKA THEATRE under the direction of Carlos Gomes with performers/devisers: Valerie Berry, Rosie Lalevich, Arky Michael, Phillip Mills, Katia Molino, Kym Vercoe. This year I have had a very exciting (and hope filled) set of experiences in the Sydney Theatre scene. This work hosted in development by Campbelltown Arts Centre and Performance Space concerns a part of our community that is rarely exposed, explored or even acknowledged: The aged. It is odd since most…

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God of Carnage

Sydney Theatre Company & Goldman Sachs JBWere by arrangement with David Pugh & Dafydd Rogers present GOD OF CARNAGE by Yasmina Reza, translated by Christopher Hampton at the Drama Theatre at The Sydney Opera House. Yasmina Reza is a French playwright, a new first generation Frenchwoman, being the daughter of two Eastern European parents (Mother, Hungarian and Father an Iranian Jew, born in Moscow), a novelist and observer of contemporary life. (In 2006, Ms Reza was commissioned to follow Nicolas Sarkozy in a year long journey, and published in 2007 a book called DAWN, DUSK OR NIGHT about that invitation).…

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The Girl With The Golden Flute

    Australian Chamber Orchestra presents THE GIRL WITH THE GOLDEN FLUTE: Sharon Bezaly at the Angel Place Recital Hall, Sydney. The program presented gave great joy. The two classic pieces; Handel’s Concerto Grosso in B flat, OP.6 No 7 and later Tchaikovsky’s Serenade in C for String Orchestra, Op.48 were pieces of some familiarity and so looked forward too. Especially the Tchaikovsky as I have many cherished memories of the work accompanying the Balanchine ballet. Here the piece was charged with dynamic forward energy. It seemed to be faster and more deeply felt than I remember. The third movement,…

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    B Sharp presents SILVER by Matthew Whittet in Belvoir St Downstairs Theatre. What is an actor? A perennial question that is the most asked and the answer, fundamental, to the role of that artist: He /she, the actor, is a story teller. Whatever the medium: theatre, radio, film, television, the responsibility of the actor is tell the story. Using, what is always an innate gift and need, the actor employs all of his talents/skills to tell a story to his “tribe”. The history of the story teller is as ancient as the history of man. “The difference between…

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The Bougainville Photoplay Project

    THE BOUGAINVILLE PHOTOPLAY PROJECT: A Version 1.0 Production in Association with Tamarama Rock Surfers and Paul Dwyer. This remarkable example of Verbatim Theatre has been devised by Paul Dwyer . Last year, Performance Space held a week long program called LIVEWORKS which I attended. I saw quite a deal of the stuff. However, for some reason my timing and juggling of my commitment to the showings did not line up for me to see THE BOUGAINVILLE PHOTOPLAY PROJECT. Who ever I met, in the breaks between the smorgasbord of offerings, time and again, asked, “Have you seen BOUGAINVILLE…

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References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot

  Arts Radar and Griffin Independent present REFERENCES TO SALVADOR DALI MAKE ME HOT by Jose Rivera. At the SBW Stables Theatre. I had a very exciting and translating experience with this play and production. I can thoroughly recommend it. Jose Rivera born in Puerto Rico in 1955 now lives in Los Angeles. This play reflects the cultures that he has grown in. “Rivera insists that all aspects of life are magical if looked at from the right perspective.” Following on from Blanche DuBois’s cry in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE: “I don’t want realism, I want magic” this play appears,…

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