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Photo by Daniel Boud Bell Shakespeare presents, OTHELLO, by William Shakespeare, in the Playhouse, at the Sydney Opera House, 24 October – 4 December. OTHELLO is a riveting play. A play concerning the plot of a man who outwardly seems a charming man – a flower external that has a serpent beneath. Of a man who has no conscience at all. A man who takes the witnessing audience into his confidence and shows us a duplicity so heinous, wicked and clever that we cannot look away. It is Iago and we step willingly onto the roller-coaster of his doings and…

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The Turquoise Elephant

Photo by Brett Broardman Griffin Theatre Company presents, THE TURQUOISE ELEPHANT, by Stephen Carleton, in the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross, 14 October – 26 November. THE TURQUOISE ELEPHANT by Stephen Carleton, says the back of the Currency Press play/program publication, is a ‘shockingly black, black, black political farce’ about Climate Change, which won the 2015 Griffin Theatre Award. According to Yuval Noah Harai, the author of HOMO DEUS, Humankind has locked itself into a double race. We champion and feel compelled to speed up the pace of scientific progress and economic growth while also staying one leap ahead of…

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Photo by Clare Hawley The Ensemble Theatre presents, e-baby, by Jane Cafarella, at the Ensemble Theatre, Kirribilli, 13 October – 13 November. e-baby is a new Australian play by Jane Cafarella, for two women, seen first in Melbourne, last year. The play charts a surrogacy pregnancy. We first meet Catherine (Danielle Carter), a 46 year-old, ex-pat Australian, living the ‘dream’ as a high-flying lawyer based in London, with a practice in New York, who after trying with her architect husband for eleven years to have a child through IVF treatment and failing, decides that her need to have a child of…

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The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant

Photo by Clare Hawley Mophead Productions in association with Red Line Productions present, THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT, by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, translated by David Tushingham, at the Old Fitz Theatre, Cathedral St, Wooloomooloo. 11 October – 12 November. The writer of THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, made 40 feature length films, 2 Television film series, 3 short films, 4 video productions, 24 stage plays and 4 radio plays, and gave 36 acting roles in his own and others’ films. He worked as well as author, cameraman, composer, designer, editor and theatre manager.…

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ACO: Vivaldi and Bach

The Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) present Richard Tognetti ACO Soloists: Vivaldi & Bach, in the Concert Hall, at the Sydney Opera House, Sunday, 16 October. The Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) under the title of Baroque on this Sunday concert gave performance of works by Vivaldi and Bach, featuring soloists from the orchestra cohort: Richard Tognetti (Violin), Satu Vanska (Violin), Ilya Isakovich (Violin), Maja Savnik (Violin), Nicole Divall (Violin)and Timo-Viekkko Valve (Cello), and a guest, Genevieve Lacey on Recorder. The orchestral Suite No.1 in C major, BWV1066 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was the opening piece of this concert featuring Ms…

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Journey’s End

    Cross Pollinate Productions in association with Norton Crumlin and Associates, present, JOURNEY’S END, by R.C. Sheriff, at the ATYP Studio, Wharf 4, Hickson Road, Walsh Bay, 15 – 22 October. Last year the Sydney Theatre and Music companies gave respect to the Centenary of the tragic events of Gallipoli Cove, during World War I, that has become the ANZAC tradition, with Commemorative performances. That terrible war began in August, 1914 and continued through to November, 1918. So, it is more than fitting that in 2016, we should be reminded that those commemorations of last year are just as…

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