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Film Reviews: Bonnie and Clyde; I Am Heath Ledger; Their Finest

1. BONNIE AND CLYDE BONNIE AND CLYDE, is a film released in 1967. I have a passion to watch the classic films of my eras on the Big Screen if possible. The Ritz Cinema in Randwick (a heritage Art Deco cinema) have a program of Classic screenings. There is nothing like watching the films on the big screen rather than the TV or computer or iPhone sized thingos. I remember having seen this film in its original release at one of the Hurstville cinemas in Sydney, getting into a taxi to get me home and having to ask the driver…

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Only Heaven Knows

Photo by Robert Catto Luckiest productions in association with Hayes Theatre Co present, ONLY HEAVEN KNOWS, Music, Book and Lyrics by Alex Harding, at the Hayes Theatre, Greenknowe Ave, Darlinghurst. 30 May – 1 July. At the Hayes Theatre a revival production of, ONLY HEAVEN KNOWS, by Alex Harding, is on show. Written and performed in 1988, in the midst of the early panic and bewilderment of the AIDS crisis and the attendant heightened discrimination of the Gay community, this play was set in 1944 and 1956, and presented a story of a small group of friends, outsiders, essentially gay…

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An Unseasonable Fall of Snow

  Ewan Productions presents, AN UNSEASONABLE FALL OF SNOW, by Gary Henderson, at the The Actor’s Pulse Studio – 103 Regent Street, Redfern. 30th May – 3 June. AN UNSEASONABLE FALL OF SNOW is a play by New Zealander, Gary Henderson, written in 1998. It is a one hour show for three actors. In a nondescript room, a table, two chairs, a steel drawed cabinet, a blackboard, chalk, a folder with files and photographs and a bottomless access to coffee, Arthur, in suit and tie, (Nico Papademetriou) impatiently waits. Enter, a young man, Liam (Alex Ewan), in a leather jacket…

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