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The Shadow Box

Photograph by Robert Catto Dino Dimitriades and Red Line Productions present, THE SHADOW BOX, by Michael Cristofer, at the Old Fitz Theatre, Cathedral St, Wooloomooloo, 15 Nov – 10 Dec. THE SHADOW BOX, by Michael Cristofer, is concerned with three persons in the terminal stage of a cancer illness, and the strains (collateral damage) it has on the families coping with that reality. This production has a beautiful visual aesthetic created by Designer, Isabel Hudson, who simplifies the more naturalistic demands of the original concept, and is assisted by a haze lighting Design by Martin Kinnane that manages a consistent elegance…

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Inner Voices

Photo by Ross Waldron Don’t Look Away in association with Red Line Productions present INNER VOICES, by Louis Nowra, at the Old Fitz Theatre, Cathedral, Wooloomooloo, 15 June – 9 July, 2016. INNER VOICES is one of Louis Nowra’s early plays (1977). It is a ‘speculation’ around the  determination of the Guards in organising the succession to the Russian throne. In 1764, Ivan, (Ivan VI),  a rival to Catherine the Great, has been locked as a child in a prison cell, and is, in this play, propelled to a position of Rule through the ambitions of some greedy power brokers,…

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  Griffin Theatre Company presents, REPLAY, by Phillip Kavanagh, in the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross, 2 April – 7 May. Memory. The tricks of memory. I have recollections of what I believe to be ‘turning points’/’defining moments’ in my life and each time I replay them, either, mentally or verbally, both in speech and writing, they subtly change – more or less. If that ‘point’/’moment’ was between two of us, or more, each of us remember it differently, if sometimes, not at all. It is the Rashomon Effect (the Kurosawa film) – where a victim is raped and it…

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Good Works

Photography by Helen White Darlinghurst Theatre present GOOD WORKS by Nick Enright at the Eternity Theatre, Burton St, Darlinghurst November 4 -29. The Darlinghurst Theatre and the Enright Family have joined together to produce a-play-a-year by Australian writer, Nick Enright. Last year they produced together DAYLIGHT SAVING, next year, A MAN WITH 5 CHILDREN. In the Eternity Playhouse Iain Sinclair has Directed Enright’s GOOD WORKS (1994). GOOD WORKS presents the story of two families over a 50 year span, of particularly, two Australian girls/women growing up in a country Australian town in the 1930-50’s with all of the attendant and…

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Photo by Rupert Reid Red Lines Productions presents ORPHANS, by Lyle Kessler, at the Old Fitz Theatre, Cathedral St and Dowling St, Woolloomooloo, 14 April – 9 May 2015. ORPHANS, is an American play by Lyle Kessler, written in 1983, and first presented in Los Angeles. The only reason, that I could  judge, to produce this text is centred around the opportunity to provide three roles for men with the potential for high testosterone acting. For, the content and the dramaturgy of the play, felt a little laborious to sit through otherwise, today. Two brothers have grown up orphans in…

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The Crucible

From THE CRUCIBLE: But you must understand, Sir, that a man is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between. This is a sharp time, a precise time – we live no longer in the dusky afternoon when evil mixed itself with good and befuddled the world. Now, by God’s grace, the shining sun is up, and them that fear not the light will surely praise it. I hope that you be one of those. Act Three. Danforth Sitting in the old wooden ‘barn’, one of the heritage buildings, situated on the…

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