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Lord of the Flies

  New Theatre presents LORD OF THE FLIES, adapted by Nigel Williams from the novel by William Golding. LORD OF THE FLIES by William Golding, a Nobel prize Winner for Literature, was written in 1954, and has become one of the most studied and popular novels ever written. It is still part of the school syllabus. The work has been made into film, notably by Peter Brook in 1963 and by Harry Hook in 1990. This play adaptation was completed under commission from the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1995 by Nigel Williams, he himself a novelist and playwright. This version…

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Julius Caesar

  New Theatre presents JULIUS CAESAR by William Shakespeare. Anthony Skuse is a director of some skill. His work in Sydney has been consistently impressive: BUG and REFERENCES TO SALVADOR DALI MAKE ME HOT at the Griffin Theatre, for instance. This Julius Caesar at the New Theatre has some truly beautiful visual aesthetics. The lighting by Matt Cox is astounding for its atmospheric control and sense of narrative detailing. On the large black stage space, flooded with haze, the focus of light is centred on a small square, centre stage, into which the actors enter in full light or peripherally.…

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  PICTURE THIS PRODUCTIONS and GRIFFIN INDEPENDENT present BUG by Tracey Letts at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. First produced in London in 1996 and not until 2004 in New York, BUG by Tracey Letts opened in Sydney last Friday, 14th May,2010. Set in a rundown motel room in Oklahoma City, that is the ‘home’ of Agnes (Jeanette Cronin), a dependent and abuser of cocaine, she both snorts and freebases it, an itinerant ex-Gulf War (Sakaka in the Syrian Desert) soldier, Peter Evans (Matthew Walker), drifts into her life having being introduced by her friend, R.C.(Catherine Terracini). The paranoia…

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Sydney Ghost Stories

Six Australian writers: Toby Schmitz, Lachlan Philpott, Verity Laughton, Tobsha Learner, Rebecca Clarke and Stephen Sewell. Four Directors: Dean Carey, Anthony Skuse, Katy Alexander, Glenn Fraser. Six actors: Jamie Irvine, Jamie McGregor, Joe Manning, Jennefa Soldatic, Catherine Terracini and Matthew Walker. Collectively this team have organised a night that “began as a bare-bones show for the bare stage. [They] chose ghost stories as a way to get back to the basics of storytelling – sittting ’round the campfire’ in a dark theatre. A number of the finest playwrights in Sydney were approached and asked to conjure up supernatural tales set…

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Bad Jazz

  Darlinghurst Theatre Company & square the circle present BAD JAZZ by Robert Farquhar at the Darlinghurst Theatre Co. Robert Farquhar the writer of BAD JAZZ says he began with the title and then tried to find a play to fit it. On reading an article about a real actress and her explanation to her partner about the requirement of her, as an artist, to have a real act of fellatio with her fellow artist every night as part of her performance he had found an anchoring idea. (Real and Acting!!!!!! Where is the line? The dilemma of the actor…

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pool (no water)

What a pleasure it is to go to the theatre and sit in a seat and have a wonderful piece of writing given to you as a reward for going. After the feebleness and the “slight” writing that we have recently been served up by The Sydney Theatre Company and other companies (notably, the Old Fitz this week: RADIO, the Upstairs Belvoir being a glorious exception: SCORCHED), it was a transcendent experience to be part of the Darlinghurst Theatre audience. This was not a chore of patience that one had to politely endure but an exciting, confronting and stimulating experience.…

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